I have found throughout my life that some of my most challenging experiences have brought the best lessons and opportunity for growth. You know what else? Sometimes those hardest experiences can deepen our gratitude more than anything else.
I have felt my gratitude deepened the most, not by things being easy, but by things being downright hard. I have felt humbled, and I have felt grateful, from those experiences.
During one of the hardest times in my life, I felt very disconnected from my truest self, and now feeling that connection to my soul means everything to me.
There is gratitude in the contrast.
My body has so much gratitude for the feeling of being physically and emotionally safe because in the past I have experienced the opposite of that.
At one point in my life, I walked or took the bus to go places. That deepened my appreciation for being able to drive where I want to go in a car.
In my first apartment, I had no furniture. Just a sleeping bag, and a suitcase. You know what I think is really awesome now? A comfy chair to sit in. (Though I do still enjoy sitting on the floor as well.)
You want to know why I appreciate a washing machine so much? Because I’ve been without a working washing machine on multiple occasions.
Many of us have experienced feeling strongly disliked or judged by another. Doesn’t that make the feeling of being treated with love and warmth, that much more welcome?
For those who have experienced trauma, what a relief it can be to simply smell flowers, listen to birds, and engage with all the senses in nature, in a space that is peaceful.
Whenever the power goes out it deepens my appreciation for the convenience of electricity. And running water. (So did our time without a working well last summer.)
That feeling in my heart when I hear the sound of my son singing? B had a speech disorder when he was young (with the initial diagnosis informing us he would likely never be able to speak intelligibly), and the first time he sang I cried like crazy. That sound is still something I will never take for granted.
When my husband Jeff feels good in his body, I feel grateful. He is still recovering from harms done during his time in the hospital years back, and it has made us both appreciate health and well being in a whole new way.
The busy pace of the warmer months makes me appreciate the colder season when the pace slows down. Then the cold of winter makes me appreciate the warmth of summer when it comes back around.
Knowing what it’s like to be the new person who doesn’t know anyone, sure made me grateful whenever someone went out of their way to make me feel welcome, and made me more mindful to introduce myself to others when they were in that position.
Moving far from home, I came to appreciate time spent with family more. The time together became precious in a way I could never have understood before.
Periods of time being self-employed, with money tight and without a steady paycheck, gave me a deeper appreciation for every bill that got paid, every tank of gas that got filled, and every bag of groceries that got purchased. It also made me appreciate, even more, experiencing such abundance in so many areas of my life.
I am grateful for the feeling of community, near and far. I know what it’s like to go through something hard, and be in need of support that is not always easy to find. Over time I have come to appreciate, deeply, the treasure that a true friend is, and for people who are there for you when you need them most. In person, and from afar.
For those who have experienced being without a roof over their head or enough to eat… can you imagine the depth of gratitude for those things many of us take for granted each day?
Every day I practice choosing to be grateful. Some days I feel more grateful than others, but I am constantly reminded that there is much to be grateful for.
What experiences have deepened your gratitude?