Spring! So many fun projects to do! Here’s what we’ve been up to:
We found a good home for two bucklings. How nice and mellow the goat house has been with a few less babies running around! We will miss them, but we are happy they are now in a good home & that they are together, which is such a blessing. I called to check on how it was going & found out their new names- Fuzzy Butt and Bambi!
Now we have been milking our goat Ziggy twice a day, we get between 1 quart and 1 & 1/2 quarts a day, with her still feeding a few of Sally Sue & Bree’s babies here & there. How nice it is to be getting milk again!
We’ve been putting lots of plants in the ground. The starts got big fast in the greenhouse. We’ve been clearing garden beds, then mixing in some compost (thank you goats!) and azomite mineral powder with each plant we put in the ground. We’ve planted the winter squash, summer squash, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, peas, kale, lettuce, and cucumbers. The peppers & herbs need to get a little bigger before they are ready to emerge from their warm greenhouse home. Every year we plant tons of seeds, then when the greenhouse if full of starts, we wonder “where are we going to put all of these?” We only have a certain amount of space with enough sunlight, so we do a good job of making the most of our space.
The sunshine & breeze has been wonderful for getting lots of laundry dry! I got lots of laundry done this past week & washed all the bedding. What a treat to have clean sheets with the scent of fresh air and sunshine still lingering in them! In the winter time we dry our clothes by the woodstove & in the summer we dry our clothes outside on the clothesline. In the winter I can dry about one load of laundry a day by the stove. In the summer I can dry as much as I can wash in a day. It’s great!
Jeff has been busy carving new cedar wood signs for our online store. The cedar makes them perfect for hanging in the garden! Our business on our etsy store continues to grow, which is really exciting! I am making some creations out of wool for Saturday Market. I am still building up stock. I’ll share them on here when I get some more created.
We’ve also stacked a bunch of wood in our woodshed to cure for next winter. It’s nice to start stocking up on firewood so early in the season.
The chickens are getting bigger all the time. They are big enough now that we are leaving their door open at night so they can go in and out as they please. A few that we named as chicks are hard to tell apart now. 🙂 We have Penny (Dad likes to call her Henny Penny), Daffodil, Angel, Buttercup (Mom likes to call her Princess Buttercup), Lester, & Hootie… to name a few!
Flowers are blooming everywhere! I’ve been watering the garden every day. Days are full of projects, there is always lots to do! I’m enjoying this season & all the joys it brings!
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