The Chickens enjoying their new roost that Jeff made for them yesterday
Chanticleer the Rooster is very social. He came to see if I brought any treats for him. His name means “Rooster.”
Angel and Angelica are best friends
Satcha being cute
Sweetie found a piece of wood we were going to use to build the roost, she likes to be helpful
Sweetie the Sheepdog, being entertaining as usual. Her antics with this giantic “stick” was hilarious!
The Chickens enjoying some Lemonbalm I brought for them. I brought a little down to see if they would like it.
The nesting boxes we put up yesterday! Jeff has been carrying these wooden crates around for a very very very looong time! Now they are being put to use! It was amazing how perfectly they fit! All cozy with straw and ready for use!
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