This blog post is dedicated to the animals that help make our life so great!
Words can’t express the joy, humor, entertainment, learning, and love all of the animals here bring into our life every day.
Not to mention all the other wonderful things they do:
The dogs are the protectors of all the animals, let us know when people or varmits are here and help eat leftovers from time to time.
The cats keep down the rodent population which makes living in the country a lot more enjoyable.
The chickens are just beggining to lay eggs and eat lots of weeds, garden & kitchen scraps, and give some incredible material for compost for the garden!
The goats share their milk for making yogurt, cheese, keifer & buttermilk, nourishing our bodies with healthy food. They also help clear the land, clear out invasive species, eat garden & kitchen scraps, and also give great compost for the garden.
I appreciate all these things the animals do, but mostly I love their companionship. I love to watch them, I love to interact with them, I love to feed them treats, I love to cuddle with them, pet them, brush them, I love to learn from them and I love to completely adore them with all my heart.
A word of appreciation for all the chickens not pictured above: Hootie, Polly, Redwin, Cedar.. and more!
What would the world be without animals?
Thank you to the animals here & everywhere that enrich all of our lives in so many ways!
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