We grabbed some clay, water and headed out to the garden on a Sunday Morning. We always say we are going to take Sundays off, but there’s always goats to milk, gardens to water, animals to feed, food to make, basically just busy life happening all the time. We love doing all of those things, but today I wanted to have a rare relaxing treat and do something we’d normally hardly ever do- take time out to play with clay!
We used Azomite clay that we get from the garden store, the same clay we put in the garden, in our drinking water, and feed to the animals. It has A-Z of all the minerals and it comes from an ancient seabed in Utah. We mixed it with water and became gooey clay creatures! We were like kids again, playing in the mud and having a great time! Our imaginations ran wild, soon we were aboriginees and our garden transformed into a lush jungle! We were laughing while the clay dried up and cracked off every time we smiled. The blooming Sunflowers towered over us and the sky opened up.
We soaked up the sunshine (you can be out in the heat of the day if you have clay on because it’s a natural sunscreen) and relaxed every muscle in pure summertime bliss. The body soaks up the minerals from the clay through the skin while the clay sucks toxins out of the body and exfoliates the skin. No wonder indegineous people have been covering themselves in clay for so long, since it’s so good for you and because it feels so good! In fact, it feels incredible, like every cell in your body is being regenerated. We drank lots of water because it can be a little drying to the body and it’s important to stay really hydrated. Afterwards, your skin has never felt so soft! Your pores have never been so clean! You feel so energized you could dance! And by all means, you should!
So what’s the moral of all this?
Be a kid again! Play! Have fun! Let your imagination go wild! Be silly! Be goofy! Enjoy each moment and the joys of each season while they’re here! Take time out, even during your busiest time of year, because this is when your Spirit needs to be fed & your Body needs to regenerate the most. When you are putting so much energy out, you need to remember to do things to replenish that energy. Some of the best ways to do that are to have fun, be in nature, do what you love, relax, appreciate the beauty around you, take good care of your body, be loving of your Spirit and what it needs, and do silly things like have a clay day! 🙂
It puts the sparkle back in your eye, the smile back on your face and the skip back in your step! It fills you up with inspiration so you can keep sharing your gifts with the world, which is so important.
Sending you lots of Sunshine, Joy and All My Love!
WTF you guys are awesome. I want to be covered in clay!!!!!!
xoxoxox e