What is a typical day like around here?
Well, we get up in the morning and hear the sound of the rooster crowing.
We grab the milking containers in the kitchen and head down to the goat house (me usually still in my pajamas), followed by the dogs that like to be with us wherever we go. The two cats that live in the goat house greet us and rub up against our ankles, wanting their breakfast and lots of attention. We feed the cats and put the goat food in the feeding containers on the milking stands. Then I let Sally and Bree into the milking room. They head straight for the milking stands and immerse their faces in their breakfast. Then I let the baby goats out of their goat fort (where they stay the night) and give them their breakfasts too. Jeff & I sit next to each other and talk while he milks Sally and I milk Bree. Jeff always finishes first (he’s a fast milker.) Then he takes Sally out of the milking room (so she doesn’t try to steal Bree’s breakfast.) He heads back up to the house to drop the milk of in the kitchen. I finish milking Bree & put her back in her house where her babies happily greet her. Then I make sure their hay feeder is full, thank them for their milk and head back up to the house, milk in hand.
When I get to the kitchen, I strain the milk through a piece of silk (the best strainer we’ve found, it works great.) I use Bree’s milk (typically one quart every morning) to make our daily batch of goat’s milk kefir, which we use to make delicious smoothies. Then I strain Sally’s milk (1-2 quarts every morning) and save it in the refrigerator until we have enough to make a batch of goat cheese or occasionally yogurt & buttermilk.
Then one of us feeds Abu the garden cat on the way down to the Chicken coop. All the Chickens greet us at the gate and we come in their yard and sprinkle their food around and bring them treats from the garden. Then we go to their nesting boxes and gather eggs, put some fresh straw in their nests, and head back up to the house holding eggs in the bottom of our shirt.
Breakfast is an important meal around our house. We need a nourishing breakfast to give us lots of energy to work hard all day. Jeff usually makes breakfast, collecting ingredients in the garden and coming up with incredible creations. I get the milking containers clean, do all the dishes while he cooks, and feed the patiently awaiting dogs. Then we finally sit down and enjoy breakfast.
After breakfast, I head out to water the garden before it gets too hot outside. Jeff & I love to enjoy the early morning sun, getting our daily dose of Vitamin D. It takes awhile to water the garden and Abu, the garden cat, always keeps me company. I love the peacefulness of watering, it’s the perfect morning meditation, just appreciating all the beauty around me and delighting in the daily changes. While I water, I notice all the things that we need to harvest that day. Then we harvest while everything is still morning fresh (and hasn’t got too hot yet.)
After I water the garden, I hang the laundry out to dry in the sunshine. I usually wash the load the night before or early in the morning, before we do the milking. Then I take the dry clothes down and fold them in the basket. I love having the clothes soak up all the sunshine and fresh air and I love drying our clothes for free! I enjoy hanging the clothes up outside and it’s good for the earth too. So many benefits all the way around.
Sometimes I take the dogs for a hike up the mountain while it’s still fairly early. Jeff is usually busy carving and creating in his magical shop to make more things for our booth at Saturday Market & our online store. We do a lot of indoor work during the heat of the day. I do a lot of house cleaning, sweeping, putting laundry away, and food preparation. I start soaking & culturing grains and beans, take things out to thaw, and put away garden produce. I love making homemade pickles and fermented drinks and vegetables. Typically, we eat lunch together at home (we usually don’t go to town very often.) Sometimes I go to nearby farms and spend the day harvesting food and sometimes Jeff comes too. Sometimes I run errands in town by myself so Jeff can stay home and keep creating, sometimes we both go. I focus a lot of energy on our home and land, doing what needs to be done. Jeff has to balance working from home to make a living, with everything that needs to be done around here. It can be easy to be distracted when there is so much to do around here (which there always is), but he amazes me with how well he does. Good thing he has so much energy! And I love the huge smile he gets on his face when he focuses on creating for long periods of time and emerges from his shop with inspired creations. We work together as a team and that’s how we are able to accomplish so much. We are both doing what we love and that makes all the difference in life.
At the end of the day, we eat dinner, feed the goats and put the babies in their fort to sleep, get everybody tucked in for the night, feed the dogs, and enjoy the world quieting down.
Every day has it’s own flow and it’s own energy, but this gives you an idea of what life is like around here for us, a little peek into our day to day world. We work hard every day and we enjoy & appreciate the benefits of that work. We savor the good things in life and create them every way we can.
May we all notice and enjoy the many blessings that emerge in our lives each and every day!
Linda, Thanks for letting us know about your etsy store. Your crocheted pumpkins & owls are so cute and sweet. Your goddess drawing is gorgeous! Have fun creating!
We are getting ready for Holiday Market, where we sell our art during November & December. Busy, busy and having fun.
Much Love, Taryn
Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I opened my Etsy store. It’s called West Coast Juju (I think you have to type it as one word- I am sooo new at this!), feel free to take a look. I still need to add so many more things! Thanks, and I hope you are happy and doing well!
Love Linda@*
Nice to meet a fellow Virgo! 🙂 Thanks for checking out our etsy store, I am so glad you enjoy Jeff’s artwork. He has so much fun creating and loves sharing it. Please let us know when your etsy store is up so we can check it out!
Yay, I am a Virgo too! August 25th- so on the other cusp! As soon as we have money again, I am going to buy one of your husbands inlaid stone necklaces- they are beautiful!! The carvings are also beautiful! My son is so interested in wood carving. He even took a thick branch and made his own wooden runes with a saw. I’m working on opening an Etsy store too. I paint rocks (among SO MANY other things!!) and I will let you know as soon as it’s up and working. Thanks for the reply!
Love Linda@*
It’s my pleasure! I absolutely love writing and sharing what brings me joy with others. I’m so grateful that you enjoyed it!
I’ve been amazed at seeing people’s dreams come true throughout my life and I can’t wait to hear from you about yours coming true as well!! Much Love to your family, your garden, and to you for brightening my day with your message. Today is my birthday and your message was a delightful gift!
I LOVED reading about your days!! You are so blessed and lucky!! I live in a city environment and I DREAM about a life like yours (some day!!) but I still enjoy my garden, my kids, and the little beautiful things all around me. Thank you for your lovely writing- it is truly inspiring!