Sometimes crabbiness and it’s cousin grouchiness take over. When we’re feeling irratible and grumpy- this is when we need to shake things up and clear that icky stuff out! It’s completely normal to feel this way, but it’s a clear message that we need to get back into balance.
Here are a few things that work for me to clear my energy and get back into balance.
Clearing out your Body:
–Being in Nature.
Whenever I’m outside is when I feel the deepest connection to my Spirit and the Spirit in all things. I feel like all of the elements purify me. The wind blows through me and clears everything away and the fresh air enters my lungs and revitalizes every cell in my body. The earth under my feet grounds me and reconnects me to the present moment, which is where joy resides. The water in the rain, rivers and ocean soothes my emotions, calms me and washes away all things that no longer serve me. And when I’m in nature, the fire of my Spirit ignites and starts burning brighter and brighter.
–Taking an Epsom Salt Bath
This is a tip I read in a book. I figured I’d give it a try. Wow, does it work! When I emerge from an Epsom Salt bath I feel like a whole new person, literally. Sprinkle a little bit in your bath water (and a few drops of essential oils is always nice too.) Epsom Salts are easy to find, you can get it at any grocery store, and they are very inexpensive. A bath on it’s own does a great job of clearing out my energy, but with the added Epsom Salts the results are amazing! I’ve always had an affinity for water and strongly gravitate towards it whenever I need healing and balancing. Put on some clean jamis and cozy socks afterwards- and your outlook on life is sure to be greatly improved.
–Moving your Body
When you are in a funk, a great thing to do is shake things up! Get your body moving so the stagnant energy can start flowing again and the icky energy can slide right off of you like rain on a windshield. Stretching, reaching, walking, swimming, dancing…. do whatever movements you love to do. Do you love Yoga? Hiking in the woods? Swimming in the river? Dancing to your favorite music? Whatever it is- do it- and your body will thank you. One of my favorite ways to move my body is going hiking up the mountain behind our house with the dogs. Being in the forest feels like home to me, I feel cradled, protected and adored by all the trees. And hiking uphill is a great way to shake things out. You know what a dog looks like when they emerge from water and shake it out all over you? This is the kind of thing we’re going for folks!
–Journaling and then Journaling some more
Journaling is a great technique for clearing out your vibe! Toxic feelings need to be let out. Sometimes it might seem that you are just puking all over the paper, and in a way you probably are. This is a good thing. Get it all out! Don’t hold anything back. If you have things you need to communicate to someone, write them a letter during your journaling- a letter that you won’t ever give them. This way you are free to say whatever you need to say. And you’ll feel so much better just writing it out. Things have a way of becoming clear after writing and writing and writing. Sometimes when I feel overwhelmed or stressed in life- I write it out and suddenly I feel much more clear and focused on my goals that are important to me, and I can start moving forward with confidence once again. The best advice you’ll ever recieve is that from your own Divine Spirit. You know what’s best for you. And inside you, you have a wise, inner voice that will guide you if you can be quiet enough to listen. Journal out everything that are between you and that voice until you get to that quiet place. Just keep writing and writing and writing until you feel like you’ve gotten it all out. Then when you feel relieved from letting it all out-………..burn it and let it go.
–Watering your Roots
This might seem like a funny title, but it perfectly sums up what I’m trying to convey. It means to take good care of your body’s physical needs. This is the basis- the foundation- for having good energy: a strong aura, a clear mind, a healthy body and a bright and shining Spirit. The physical body needs movement, water, nutrient dense food, plenty of sleep at night, time in nature and sunlight… to name a few. So treat your body like the holy temple that it is. Show your appreciation and gratitude for your wondrous body by loving it. Show your love by honoring it’s signals. Go to sleep when you are tired. Go to the bathroom when you need to go. Pay attention to the way you feel when you eat different foods and eat the ones that make you feel good. Drink when you’re thirsty. Eat when you’re hungry. Move when you feel like you moving. You need to be flexible and willing to make changes if that’s what your body is communicating to you. Taking good care of yourself seems so simple it can be silly in how obvious it is. True wisdom is always practical and simple to understand.
Clearing out your Space:
–Burning Sage Bundles
Sage is a great tool for clearing your space and it’s great to sage yourself as well. I love to light the sage bundle and blow gently on the end of it, spreading the smoke throughout the house. It feels like a ceremony or ritual, in which I am feeling gratitude for our home and giving it love and care as it always gives me. Sometimes I hum or sing while I’m doing this. Sometimes I speak prayers and let them merge with the smoke and infuse everything with new life. I pray for the energy to be clear, I pray for our home to be infused with joy and love, I pray for a healing presence to permeate everything. And I can feel things getting lighter…
Oh boy, am I ever the best person to write about this topic. First of all I come from a long line of cleaners. My mother and Grandmother are famous for their clean spaces and I’ve heard stories of my Great-Great-Grandmother that would put all of us to shame. So it’s in my bones and my natural instincts. And it is something that I value and cherish. If a home needs new energy, the first and most basic way to start is by cleaning it. Clean, organize and get rid of excess stuff that you don’t need or ever use. Every item in our space has an energy, is it one that benefits and blesses your home? If not, why not let it go? When you look at something, does it give you a good feeling? If not- let it go. Donate old items to a thrift store and they just might become someone else’s treasure. Plus, if you want new gifts and blessings to come into your life, than you need to make space for it!
–Creating Beauty around you
Making your space beautiful is like exclaiming to the Universe- “I honor my Holy Spirit for the divine being that I am, and my Spirit needs a beautiful and loving space in which to thrive and blossom!” And guess what? The Universe will treat you accordingly. Surrounding yourself in beauty draws more beauty to you. Plus it’s a blessing to everyone else who gets to experience it. One great way to clear the energy in your space is to paint the walls. It literally gives the room a fresh start, energetically speaking. Hang up beautiful art that inspires you, burn oils you love in essential oil burners, and create a holy atmosphere that induces good feelings. I love to light beeswax candles and put bundles of lavender all over the house because these things feed my Spirit so deeply. A good question to ask yourself is where do you feel really good? Why? This will be good inspiration for what you want to create in your own place.
I love to have different themes to each room, which makes each room in the house fun in it’s own way. Red Apples (& bright colored food) are the theme in the Kitchen. Bright Yellow Sunflowers are the theme in the Living Room. Lavender is the theme in the upstairs Bathroom. (but lavender has a way of making it into every room in the house..) Hearts, Love and Angels is the theme in our Bedroom.
–Playing music
Music is a great way to shift the energy in any space! Put on a favorite cd, or even make your own music. Bring out some instruments or start humming, whistling, or singing. Soothing, peaceful music is always good, but really whatever music moves your Spirit is the best music for you. Music has the power to completely infuse a space with good vibes and can create a powerfully charged atmosphere. Everytime we make music I feel a heavenly presence throughout the house, like the air itself is vibrating and pulsing with bright life. I’ve heard that music attracts Angels and I believe it. We drum, sing, and play guitar….. welcoming the Angels with open arms and hearts!
I could keep going and going, as there are endless ways to clear the energy, but this is a great start on some ways that I find really helpful.
How do you shift your energy and the energy in your home? Share your ideas with us in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.
Sending you all balance, healing and squeaky clean vibes!
I love this post! Thank you for your lovely and inspiring words.
The Indigo Forest (
Carlanda, Thank you so much! You feed my inspiration with your kind, loving support! And you inspire me to post more often!
I really love it when you make comments, it makes my heart happy.
Much Love, Taryn