Some days the woods just call me. I’ll be inside hanging laundry by the fire, cooking at the stove, doing dishes at the kitchen sink.. and the call will only get louder until I can’t put it off any longer. No matter how much I have to do, I know I’ll be more productive after a quick hike with the girls and will they ever be happy! Then I grab my coat, slip my shoes on, make sure the woodstove is loaded up and tell Jeff I’ll be back in a jiff. I open the door and step out on the front porch…. this time when I look in those sweet puppy dog eyes I have a smile with a hint of a secret in it. I know I won’t have to guiltily look at them and think how much they could really use some exercise and adventure; instead I can say “How would you girls like to go for a walk?” And then I’m scrambling to the forest, as they are already dashing up the trail before I can finish the sentence. I guess that’s a yes! I enter a world of green, a world lush with huckleberries, ferns and moss. I breathe in the forest and feel so peaceful near the trees. And my body loves the movement. When I get to the top of the trail, I emerge into an open world of sky. I gasp in awe at the surrounding mountain views and feel renewed appreciation to live here.
This morning a hawk greeted us. Then we saw elk prints by the stream, of all different sizes.
In Sweetie’s excitement running as fast as she can, she inevitably gets tangled in something. Today it was blackberries. A long trail of them followed behind her until I got a chance to remove it from her fluffy coat. She’s oblivious to it because she’s so happy. Satcha stays by my side a lot more. She is so loyal. I have a real understanding with her- we just look at each other and have easy communication between us. It’s not quite like that with Sweetie, but I have a deep love for them both and appreciate their unique spirits and the many gifts they bring in their own way. Sweetie brings the gift of laughter, always being so goofy and making me lighten up. Satcha brings the gift of companionship and quiet connection. We got Sweetie when she was a puppy and I can still remember the day we picked her out and then I held her tiny, fluffy body in my arms the whole ride home. I knew I would always be in love with her and I still am. I love Sweetie’s childlike spirit of playfullness and fun. Nothing is ever serious with Sweetie, ever. She’ll still be smiling no matter what is happening and it’s sure refreshing to be around. We got Satcha from our friends, The O’Ryans, when she was already an adult. She has blended in here beautifully, becoming a vital part of the mix. I love Satcha’s protective spirit- she is protective of the hens and if the roosters are getting too rough she’ll chase them away from the hens. I love the way she acts like a protective guide on our hikes, I always feel safe when she’s around and know she’s got my back (if something came after me, I can’t guarantee Sweetie wouldn’t just go running..)
I connect with Sweetie and Satcha the most when we are on our hikes together, just the three of us.
I love them so much. And I love hiking with them up the mountain behind our house. Sometimes I only get up there once a week, but it continues to feed me for so much longer…
This picture of Satcha is so cute it makes me want to give her a big huge hug!
Could Sweetie be any more lovable and completely adorable?!
Satcha laying by my side after the hike
Sending you a big Sweetie smooooooch to bring a smile to your face!
What’s been feeding your Spirit lately?
Thanks so much for letting me know! I hope you’ll pop on by here and say hello more often! 🙂
And really, it’s my pleasure!
Hello! I really do enjoy the Wooly Moss Roots bloggings, I came across your blog site via the Eugene Saturday Market. Yes, it does feed the spirit! Thank you!