Saturday and Sunday I textured. Monday we took our trip to town. Tuesday I painted. Wednesday I slowly, but surely (due to complete exhaustion) started putting my Art Room back together. Today I did chores in the morning, loading 3 new items on Etsy, then began organizing my Art Room. The whole room has a whole new feel. The walls used to be an intensely bright Yellow, which I loved, and were very energizing. But it was time for a change in color and the old walls were in major need of some texturing to give them new life. Now the Robin’s Egg Blue color is soothing and calming. I gotta say- I really like the change. I’ve simplified and gotten rid of a lot of unnecessary things. The room feels so much better! When I walk in there, it’s like a breath of fresh air.
I wanted to write this to give you all an update on how things are coming along with that project, but I’m not quite ready to post the picture of the finished product. Because, well, it isn’t quite finished. I still need to hang pictures on the wall and get a lot more things into their spot. But soon, I will be posting a picture. So get really excited, cause it’s gonna be awesome! Oh wait- we’re going for Calm now. So I guess be calm and patient until the new picture comes….
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