There is a Seed in my belly
Sprouting with Spring life
I Water it
Give it Sunshine
And Fresh Air
I give it Nourishment and Nutrients
I watch it Grow
And I Sing Softly to this little seed….
With so much delight
Last night before I went to bed I drew this picture above.
I’ve started reading a book called ‘Birthing From Within’ (Thanks Lara!) that talks about the value of Birth Art. My sister Samantha gave me a beautiful journal that she got when she was living in New Zealand. It’s so precious to me and I’ve been saving it for something special. Lately this vision keeps coming to me- of planting a seed in my belly. Everything I do in the garden reminds me of this seed. So last night, I finally knew the purpose of this journal- a place to draw birth art. So all these visions within me will have a home on paper.
Thanks Kellenor! 🙂
I absolutely adore this drawing! ♥
Thanks Lara! You are the best!! 🙂
This is so beautiful Taryn! You are radiantly sprouting with creativity and new life. Love and Blessings to you and your little seed!