I requested this book from the library and they ordered it for me- Hooray! I finished reading it on the train ride up to Portland.
I’ve been very shocked and surprised by the typical advice about diet in pregnancy books. I’m not interested in low fat diets while I’m pregnant (or at any time for that matter.) I’m interested in the nutrient dense foods that will help build my baby’s organs that are forming right now. And that’s what this book is all about.
I’ve read Nina’s previous book ‘Real Food: What to Eat and Why.’ It’s devoted to giving you information about why natural foods are good for you. Foods like butter, eggs, bone broths, grass-fed meats, raw/cultured dairy- basically food that our ancestors have been eating forever. Indigenous people ate local food, close to it’s natural state. This makes sense to me. And this book also lets you know why food created in a laboratory is not good for you- margarine, vegetable oils, empty nothings in over-sized cardboard boxes…. you get my drift. Would your great-grandmother or early ancestors recognize what you are eating as food? This is a great question to ask yourself.
Producing our own food on this homestead has changed my ideas about food forever. When you pour energy into planting seeds, watering the garden, milking the goats, gathering eggs, picking berries- you learn what real food is. You can taste the incredible flavor. You can feel how good it makes your body feel. Now all I want to eat is real food.
Food is a top priority in our life. We know people who make lots of money, but only buy the lowest quality, cheapest items from the grocery store. Their health suffers. We don’t make a whole lot of money, but we find ways to produce good food ourselves, ask about trades, and learn about wild foods to harvest. You’d be amazed at all the trading opportunities that are out their once you ask.We’ve traded with friends at the farmer’s market (who have early harvests due to large greenhouses) for fresh produce before our garden gets going and with neighbors so we can harvest fruit off their trees that would otherwise not get eaten. It’s all about what’s important to you because that is what you’ll focus on creating.
Food is so vital for good health. I learn more about this every day and I see how good I feel when I’m eating well.
I recommend these books by Nina Planck if you enjoy reading about diet or feel curious about real food. But if a lot of scientific facts are going to bore you, then heading to your local farmer’s market will satisfy your need for real food more than any book will.
Give thanks for every meal and appreciate the flavors in your food.
Pay attention to what you’re eating and enjoy yourself!
Happy Eating!
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