A year ago, today, we drove down to the post office and picked up a box of fluffy, chirping chicks. They were one day old and oh-so-tiny. I was excited because it was the first time I’d ever ordered chicks. Jeff had ordered chicks many times, but he was excited nonetheless. We brought them home and made them a nice place to live in a big box. They had the warmth of the woodstove and the warmth of their heat light. I loved to watch them and there were a few who looked different than the rest. These ones got names early on. All the others that looked similar, didn’t get names until they got older and we could tell them apart. Watching the chickens grow has been such a fun experience. We have so many fun chicken stories from a year of chicken entertainment. Now I cannot imagine our life without chickens. I love having them around the farm and I love their farm fresh eggs.
(If you want to get technical, the chickens are actually one year and one day old today, but I consider today to be their birthday.)
So I want to say a big Happy Birthday to all the chickens here (convenient that they all have the same birthday, makes it easier to remember) we love you all!
“Thank You” -from the chickens 🙂
Happy birthday to chickens!