Hello, hello! I am back home. I missed you guys.
We had a busy trip to Portland, filled with lots of delicious food from good restaurants and exploring new parts of the city. Portland was abundant with St.Patrick’s Day festivities- including an Irish Festival with Irish music and dancing from the Portland Irish Dance Academy. We did our best Irish dancing on the dance floor, Thomas even danced an Irish jig while holding his beer (and he didn’t even spill.) People might have thought that we were drunk, we weren’t- just feeling especially silly. We saw people running marathons in green tutus (so we weren’t the only ones feeling silly apparently) and we were very entertained. Sam and Thomas fell in love with Powell’s book store, which takes up an entire Portland city block.
And we did lots of walking. I had a hard time keeping up with everyone. I felt exhausted. It took every ounce of my energy and a very strong will to keep going every day. Some nights I had a hard time staying awake for a movie in our hotel room.
It was good to spend time with family. And it was wonderful to head back down to our place. I missed Jeff. I missed the animals. I missed home. I was only away from home for a short time, but I love being home more than any place in the world. There are things I appreciate and enjoy about the city, but to be honest- I feel completely out of place there. It is a relief for me to return to my world.
From left to right: Thomas (sis’s bf), Samantha (my sis), Julie (my mom), and me in Portland.
After our Portland adventure, we headed back down to my place. Sam and Thomas went to my Dad and Dorrie’s place for the night. We picked them up the next day. We showed everybody all the changes around here since the last time they’d visited. Jeff and Thomas got to work on building a greenhouse in the backyard. Jeff posted pictures and wrote all about the greenhouse project on his blog:
He says it looks like a log cabin greenhouse. It looks cute and hobbity to me. I love it.
The three of them left yesterday morning. Jeff and I headed outside to enjoy the gorgeous weather and worked on the greenhouse some more. We sunbathed and I dug up one of our garden beds, preparing it for seeds.
Today we hauled firewood into the house and took care of all the animals. I cleaned the house, hung laundry to dry, and started soaking some oats and beans. I got a batch of bone broth started in the crockpot and made some hardboiled eggs (which taste so good to me these days.)
We’re getting back into the swing of things.
I am blogging once again.
And it sure feels good.
Thank you! We appreciate the good baby vibes! A clan of five- sounds like you have quite the clan! 🙂
Jeff was so happy to hear you checked out his blog! 🙂
You are fantastic too! Thanks for all the messages you leave, they always make my day.
Love, Taryn
Thanks Tweedles! It’s good to be home!
Lots of love to you!
Welcome home! We missed your updates! Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Take care, Tweedles
Thanks for the link of Jeff’s blog. Now I have even more blogs to follow. You guys are fantastic by the way.
Sending good baby vibes -Crystal and her clan of five