Every now and then I get an inspiration to doodle in the baby book. It’s a journal my sister brought me from her time in New Zealand and I waited for a special use for it. Now I use it to draw pregnancy pictures and write poems. I also have a baby journal where I write to the baby. I write all kinds of things- what we did in the garden that day, what kind of mother I want to be, foods I’ve been craving. I talk all about this pregnancy because I feel like it will be really fun for the baby to read it someday and see what life was like when they were still in my belly.
I never know what I am going to draw or write, I just show up to the blank page. Last night, this pregnant tree formed on the page. Trees seem to be a common theme in my doodles and I’ve been focusing on being grounded lately- trees are the perfect visual for that.
I’m 3 and 1/2 months pregnant. The baby is the size of a lemon. I’ve been going to bed super early these days, completely reveling in lots of sleep at night. My most recent cravings have been blueberries and carrots. I’ve been eating lots of the fresh, sweet spring carrots from the farmer’s market. I want to snack on them all the time. We are all out of blueberries. Must…. have…. blueberries! 🙂
We have an appointment with our midwife next week, always look forward to her warm presence. Today I saw our friend Jolene when I went to town. She is pregnant right now also and has a big beautiful belly. When we hugged our bellies touched and I imagined the babies were hugging and greeting each other as well. It was a sweet moment.
Here is a little Mother Poem I wrote last night:
Thanks dw! 🙂
Lara- I bet it is fun to go back and read the letters that you wrote to your son. Pregnancy is such a wonderful experience, I’m enjoying it so much. 🙂
I kept a pregnancy journal as well and wrote letters to my baby before he was born. Reading your post made my eyes tear up. I think back on pregnancy so fondly despite the aches. I felt so bonded with my son before he was born and now I can not imagine that there was ever a time when he was not here. Growing food is very similar to me as growing a baby. I love the tending to a miracle.
You are going to make a wonderful mama! You’re doing an awesome job already.