I’ve been putting this moment off, but I know it needs to be done. We need to find homes for some of our goats. We’ve been preparing for it. We know every Spring that we will need to find homes for goats, it’s just a part of farm life. We knew we were not going to keep any bucklings, so we didn’t name them this year (helps to not get attached that way.) I am happy to find good homes for them. The hard part for me is finding a home for our goat Lucy. We’ve had her since she was born. It’s hard for me to think about separating her from her mom and sister. I’ve been hoping a nice neighbor would want to take her so we could still see her sometimes and know where she lives. I’ve been waiting for a perfect opportunity to come knocking on my door, so I’ve been avoiding posting an ad on craigslist. But it’s easier the sooner I do it. So I just posted an ad on craigslist.(Giving myself a pat on the back for not putting it off any longer.)
Above is a picture of Lucy right after she was born (just about to scratch behind her ear) and then one where she is in front and her mom and sister are behind her. Isn’t she cute?
If any of you readers out there are interested in some very loved and adorable goats, please let me know. And please send some good thoughts that we will find wonderful, loving homes for them. It’s getting really populated pretty quick down there and they are all feeling a little crowded. Need to lighten our load and spread blessings of glorious goats to other homes.
Thanks Jessica! All this loving support makes me so grateful! 🙂
If I weren’t a thousand miles away, I’d take her in a second. I’m sure you’ll find a good, loving home for her.
Thanks dw! I appreciate it!
If I were in a location suitable for goats I would seriously consider it. 🙂
Hope you find a wonderful home for them.