Yesterday we spent most of the day outside. We savored our Sunday at home and took advantage of the good weather before the rain returned. We unloaded the market stuff from the truck, then went and filled the back off it with firewood. Then we hauled the truckload of firewood inside and filled the back of the truck with garbage and recyclables to bring to the dump.
Out here in the country, we don’t have garbage service. Since we haul our own garbage, we are very conscious of the amount of waste that we create. All kitchen scraps go to the animals or to the compost pile which becomes food for the garden. We recycle most things. After that, we use burnables for starting fires in the woodstove. We bring un-used items to the thrift store and finally, the rest is garbage. We only take trips to the dump a few times a year, which is made possible by the small amount of garbage we create and we love how much time that saves us.
After we were finished with that project, we worked in the garden. I planted our fennel starts in the ground. We weeded and fed the weeds to the chickens. We watered our starts in the greenhouse and soaked up sunshine.
Here are some pictures of Sunday’s Garden:
Sage we planted from seed last year. So happy to see it flourishing this spring.
Strawberries that we will have to race the birds to get.
Some Cilantro that came up on it’s own from last year.
Broccoli that has been loving all the rain lately.
More strawberries blooming…
A sea of Kale from seeds Jeff sprinkled on the ground earlier this spring.
This Kale we started from seed in the greenhouse, it’s bigger than the Kale we started outside.
We have mint, lemon balm, oregano, parsley, chives, ecchinacea, lavender, chamomile, potatoes, lettuce, flowers and so much more popping up in the garden. And the greenhouse is filled with starts.
I look around….
Spring time has so much promise.
I hope your camera gets working soon! I know what it’s like to see so many beautiful things around you and want to capture them.
Oh I wish my camera was working so I could post my garden pictures too! Yours looks so beautiful! Gardens are wonderful.