Happy First Day of Summer Everybody!!
Today we celebrated the first day of summer by basking in the sun, making our first batch of goat cheese of the season, lovingly admiring the garden, putting up a trellis for the honeysuckle, and working on the fence project (digging holes for posts and setting them in concrete.)
What a wonderful, successful day. It was exactly what we needed- a day outside filled with hard work and much satisfaction.
How did you celebrate the first day of summer?
Taryn Kae Wilson says
Hello little Golden Delicious Apple Baby!! 🙂
I love that you hung up your laundry on the first day of summer- that is so perfect. 🙂 What a beautiful sight to see the clothes waving in the summer breeze….
I love hanging clothes outside.
Jessica says
Those daisies are beautiful!
I am 15 weeks now, as of yesterday (the first day of summer!) Baby is now an apple. I like to think of him/her as a Golden Delicious Apple, since those are my favorite.
I also (finally) got my laundry line hung up outside and got a load of laundry hung up before I left for work at 7:30 a.m. How wonderful to come home to a line full of fresh sun-dried clothing, and how fitting to do it on the first day of summer!