My Dad and Dorrie came to visit last weekend. They came up to Saturday Market for the day and stayed with us Saturday night. They got to see all the changes around our place since the last time they’d been here. It was such a fun weekend with them.
On Sunday, we all went blueberry picking.
Here’s a few pictures:
The happy blueberry pickers
My dad, me (and baby!), and Dorrie
Me and Jeff
Me and Dad
Me and Dorrie (who is pregnant with a bucket of blueberries) 🙂
Blueberry picking seems to bring out happy faces!
Abby- blueberries are at the top of my list too! 🙂
Blueberries may be my favorite food in the world. Looks like you had a really nice time with your family.
Thanks Kellenor!
Jessica- yeah, we had a great time. Thank you, I’ve been feeling great lately- so energetic. Maybe all the sunshine and fresh air charges me up! 🙂 How’s your little baby? What size these days?
Hooray, your computer must be cooperating today. Looks like you had a great time. You look wonderful, hope you’re feeling great too!
Beautiful photos!