Today we’ve been getting ready for Eugene Saturday Market tomorrow. Jeff had some goat helpers this morning when he was loading up the truck.
“What do you want us to load next?”
Always curious
Sweetie wanted to help too
We are looking forward to Eugene Saturday Market. We didn’t go last weekend and we miss it!
Jeff is in his shop finishing up some gorgeous pieces that we’ll have in our booth tomorrow. I’ve been busy cleaning, doing laundry, packing food for tomorrow and working on our Etsy Store.
My nesting instincts have been full force lately. The funny thing is- so have Jeff’s. Throughout the week, I scoured the kitchen, washed the kitchen floors and dusted throughout the house. Jeff has been completely cleaning out and organizing his workshops. We cleaned the living room floors, washed windows, shook out rugs and trimmed a rhododendron bush that was blocking a lot of light from coming in the living room window. Now it’s so much sunnier in there and it feels good to be giving the house such a thorough cleaning. We’ve even been clearing and organizing outside. There’s a lot more I want to clean, but I’m getting there a step at a time. I’m realizing how soon baby is going to be here and I have so much I want to have done. I’m sure all you nesting mamas (and papas!) out there know what I’m talking about. 🙂
Jeff is in his shop finishing up some gorgeous pieces that we’ll have in our booth tomorrow. I’ve been busy cleaning, doing laundry, packing food for tomorrow and working on our Etsy Store.
My nesting instincts have been full force lately. The funny thing is- so have Jeff’s. Throughout the week, I scoured the kitchen, washed the kitchen floors and dusted throughout the house. Jeff has been completely cleaning out and organizing his workshops. We cleaned the living room floors, washed windows, shook out rugs and trimmed a rhododendron bush that was blocking a lot of light from coming in the living room window. Now it’s so much sunnier in there and it feels good to be giving the house such a thorough cleaning. We’ve even been clearing and organizing outside. There’s a lot more I want to clean, but I’m getting there a step at a time. I’m realizing how soon baby is going to be here and I have so much I want to have done. I’m sure all you nesting mamas (and papas!) out there know what I’m talking about. 🙂
Hope you all have a lovely weekend
and I look forward to seeing some of you at market tomorrow!
and I look forward to seeing some of you at market tomorrow!
Thanks Jessica! Yes, it was a great market day!
Good job stocking up on all those good deals!! That’s awesome! It does seem silly to pay so much when they grow so fast. We’ve been getting lots of gifts of clothes, which has been really nice. The little dresser is getting filled up. 🙂
Glad to hear someone else with wild nesting urges right now, lol. 🙂
Hope you had a great day at the market!
I’ve been sorting all of the baby clothing I’ve gotten from thrift stores. I’m lucky- there are two great stores right in town and I’ve been able to stock up. I can’t imagine how much folks must pay for brand new clothing, but I haven’t paid more than $3 for anything yet!
I also do a lot of Freecycling, which is an email service where folks list things they no longer want or what they are looking for. A local woman gave me a box full of reusable nursing pads for free!
I understand the need to clean, I’ve still got 14 weeks to go but I’m feeling like I’ll never be ready if I don’t hurry up now!