During yesterday’s hike, I ate huckleberries.
The goats ate huckleberries.
The dogs ate huckleberries.
It was a woodland huckleberry party.
Lucy reaching for a treat…
Faun mistaking the camera for a giant huckleberry and trying to eat it….
Bree thought it looked good too.
Nicole- I can’t imagine our life without goats. Ever since we got goats, they have been such an incredible source of joy in our life. I love being able to let them free range (now that we fenced in the garden) and join me on hikes. I could talk about goats all day long and look forward to talking about them with you when you get some. You’ll love it! 🙂
what joy it must bring you to have goats accompany you throughout your day. I hope there comes a time when we have a few of our own as well. warm wishes!