I have felt so many changes within myself since Bracken’s birth. Changes that today’s world doesn’t always have a language for. I feel inspired to write about them, but first, let me back up a little to give a bigger picture of these changes.
I’ve always been aware, open and “sensitive” throughout my life, which I feel we all naturally are, but that most people automatically block it early on. My family knows that in my teenage years I had a pretty tough time. I felt painfully aware of too many things so I tried to numb myself with alcohol and became self destructive. I didn’t understand what I was feeling and I didn’t have a language to express it or anyone around who I felt understood what I was going through. I just didn’t feel like I “fit in” anywhere. I felt completely out of place and even though I loved my family and knew they loved me, I felt a deep and painful loneliness. During that really dark time in my life, my spirit came through. It started slowly leading the way. And I experienced miracles. My guardian angel saved me on many occasions. I experienced things that I didn’t feel like I could share. I saw spirits and angels (but since I was in such a bad place I mostly tuned in to negative things, which scared me.) I was overly tuned in to so many people that it was overwhelming. I felt stuck in an icky muck- a world of black and white. But my spirit woke me up and gravitated me towards what I needed to heal. I found a few books that really clicked and began giving me a little bit of a language and understanding. I realized that if I kept making my choices based on what others wanted for me, that I was going to live my life being a miserable person. So I followed my heart to Oregon. I didn’t have any plans or really knew what I wanted or what I was doing. I just went anyway because my heart told me to and it was the only thing that was making any sense to me.
I met Jeff. (I share some of this story in a previous blog post- A Real Life Love Story .) The very first night I met him- he understood me to my very soul without me having to say a word. But I said a lot of words anyway because I had a lifetime of talking I needed to do and finally someone to talk to who knew just what I meant. We were like two magnets and it didn’t take long before I moved in with him because we simply couldn’t be apart. I began healing in a miraculous way. Being in the country and having so much alone time was exactly what my soul needed to heal. I soaked up the trees, the sky, the sun and the joy came into my life in waves. I began loving myself and taking good care of myself. Eating nourishing, whole, real food that made me feel better and better all the time. I felt more energetic. My thoughts felt clearer. I felt lighter. I laughed easier. I felt more like myself than I ever had before. Jeff and I danced and sang together, it felt like I was truly living life for the first time. The world opened up and was bursting with bright color. I began experiencing more angels and earth spirits instead of the muck I was tuning into before. He filled that hole of loneliness with pure, bright love and I was loving every minute.
I had very little contact with the outside world for awhile because I felt like I needed to be in a cocoon to heal. But as I was loving towards myself and took care of myself, my aura became strong, healthy, and bright. And I became ready to re-emerge into the world a little. We started selling our art at the market and enjoyed getting to know new people once a week. Then we could retreat back into the woods. Then I joined facebook and started reconnecting with people I loved. I started a blog and started sharing my heart and soul with the world. It sometimes felt scary to share so much of myself when I felt there might be people who were judgmental of me and didn’t understand. And yes, there were some of those people. But there were also people who were loving and supportive and I made so many new and wonderful friends and connections. And as I got healthier and my heart continued to open more, I began caring less about what other people thought. I was even more aware than I ever used to be, but I had built up the natural protection that allowed me to handle that awareness- my aura. I focused on gratitude, my spirit came through more strongly and I was learning so much about what my needs were and what I needed to do to take care of myself.
When I was pregnant with Bracken (and for a long time prior) I took really good care of myself. Because of this care, I had a wonderful pregnancy and felt great. I was energetic, joyful, and was learning many lessons to prepare me to be a mother. His birth was a powerful, life-changing, transforming, empowering, magical experience and I learned a lot. (I wrote about his birth here: Bracken’s Birth .) My energy centers opened and I could feel my energy body in a way I’d never experienced before. My aura felt different. It felt like it included both Bracken and I. I needed him near me all the time and it was painful if he was away. I felt like I had an energetic hole in my belly. I felt exhausted and more vulnerable than usual. My aura didn’t feel as strong so I didn’t feel I had as much protection. I knew I needed to be completely away from the world for awhile. I shared the news with my parents, but then I was hardly on the phone at all. I don’t even know how long it was before I turned the computer on again. Time was different.
Jeff completely took care of our every need. We looked at Bracken with tears in our eyes because we were so in awe. The three of us were wrapped up in love, snuggled together in bliss. It felt exactly as it was meant to be. It gave us time to just enjoy Bracken and I didn’t need to worry about a thinner aura because I was safely tucked away in our nest. I looked around and felt like I comfortably “fit in” for the first time. I had finally found my “place” in life, my purpose, where I felt an immense feeling of belonging. This realization sunk in and felt so good to my very bones.
We got acclimated to the world slowly. A few family visitors. A few friends. Small groups, low key. Outings to the midwives. Trips to town where Jeff and I took turns staying in the car with Bracken and running into stores. Then Holiday Market (where we sell our art.) I would nurse Bracken under his wool blanket and then he would fall asleep (and go back and forth for most of the day.) We did this for most of the market days, so he would only have short periods to be awake and experience market (without having stimulus overload for such a small baby.) Plus, if he was out watching everything- he wouldn’t sleep. We also carried him on our bellies in the Ergo Carrier.
During pregnancy your senses tend to be heightened. Smell and taste were definitely heightened for me, and I’m sure other senses were too. Since the birth I’ve also experienced heightened senses. And I feel even more aware of the energies around me. But my aura has not quite built back up yet to protect me so I feel all of these things strongly within my body. I have felt a little too open to the world. A great way to describe it is like a turtle without a shell. I’ve felt a little more quiet and subdued, a little less social. I’m still building my shell back up. It seems like all of a mother’s energy is being poured into her baby and that leaves less energy for other things. When talking to Jeff about the energetic changes after birth he brought up a great point. He said that it allows mothers to be “wide open” so that they can experience the world from the perspective of their baby. Wow. That felt like an epiphany for me. These changes in mothers make it so mothers naturally retreat for awhile after the birth, which is what is best for mother and baby. It makes mothers more discerning about the energies they surround themselves with because they are so much more sensitive to everything, which protects their baby. Babies are so completely wide open to everything, they rely on their caretakers for complete protection. Perhaps these energetic changes after birth are nature’s way of helping mothers care for their babies in the best possible way.
I am asking so many questions now and am so curious about the energetic changes during pregnancy, birth, and after and how it all works.
What are your experiences with this? I would love to hear them!
Realized I got a little behind in commenting.
Lindsey- You are such a support to me! Bless you! π
Kay- It is wonderful to hear from you and “meet” you. Hello! Thanks for commenting. So glad you are enjoying this blog.
So much love to you!
Taryn – i have only just found your blog – and thank goodness that i have!!!
your wise and sage advice is everything i need right now…and you and Jeff are wonderful people that i would welcome into my life!!
the internet is a crazy dualistic thing i suppose – there is so much about it that is bad (porn, etc.)…but there is so much about it that is good…such as meeting like-minded people who share so selflessly…like you!
my name is Kay and i am very glad to have found, not only you and your beautiful family, but your beautiful commenters as well!
than you from the bottom of my heart – i have learned much from you, my dear!
(teehee…my word verification is skirean…..)
WOW. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this and share about these deep changes after Bracken’s birth, and also after meeting Jeff.
I too experienced deep healing when I met my Hubby, after a very black couple of years in my life where I no longer cared to keep going. But I bet you’ll agree that after having lived in a hell of sorts, that the heavenly moments now are that much sweeter and more deeply appreciated. My own ‘black night of the soul’ I would not wish on anybody…however it strengthened and deepened me in a way that nothing else could have, and in that respect it was such a gift.
Anyway, I so enjoy reading your insights, and they’re helpful to me as I look forward to becoming a mother in the future.
I loved Jeff’s comment about how being so open after birth allows moms to experience the world as their baby does.
Also, please tell Jeff that I absolutely loved his recent post about autism (I don’t think my comment went through b/c of an issue likely on my end). I like the way his mind works…please thank him for writing that. You guys could write a book!!!
Thanks for sharing about yourself and your past.
Thanks Diana! It’s my pleasure sharing my experiences, thank you for reading them, enjoying them and leaving your comments. π
Love, Taryn
Thanks for sharing you experiences, I think you are an old soul.
Thanks for your comment. I’m excited for your move! And I hope to hear from you again. Glad you found me on here. π
Thanks Kelly! I’m so glad you liked it! π
I’ve especially loved this post… thank you Taryn!
Hi Taryn,
Greetings from Australia:)I discovered your blog a little while back and it is wonderful,what amazes me is you have got it right at such a younger age than I did-wow!
Im now forty-five with eight children,my first five being with my previous husband,then eleven years ago I met my absolute soulmate/husband whom I adore,then amazingly in the last four years we have had three children!
My last three have been born at home into their daddies hands and each time has been simply amazing:)
I definately have stayed very close to home with my babies in the last few years,especially after birthing,we are thinking of home schooling and are moving in a few months to our own bush home.
I dont have a lot of time to write,Im so busy with this brood,my youngest is still only nine months old and Im still breastfeeding (can relate to one finger typing,lol)but I will try to comment when I can:)
Sorry I dont think I have answered your question directly,lol,to much to say,lol.
Thank you so much for such an inspirational space:)
Thanks for sharing. What a gift you are giving your family. Your sons will benefit from it for their entire life. They will better know how to care for themselves. They are lucky to have you too. π
Thank you for your constant support of me and this blog over so much time. You are so great!
Your comment made me laugh so hard because I am typing one handed most of the time these days too. π
It sure makes typing slower.
Everything you said about your teenage years I can relate to.
I am so glad you met your wonderful husband. The love between the two of you warms my heart.
I know exactly what you mean about looking in the mirror after the birth. I looked completely different to myself too and I felt better about myself than ever before.
I’m so glad you and Mariella are having this precious home time together and healing.
It’s so nice to hear from you!
And thank you for everything you wrote. Keep loving yourself completely and you will be so in tune with yourself.
I love everything about this, you are such an inspiration to me. It had to take a lot of courage to get up and leave Iowa and begin soul searching. I hope that someday I can be as in tune with my mind and body in the way that you are. I am so happy for you and Jeff, you are living an amazing life, and Bracken is so blessed to have such great parents. Miss you tons!
Oh, Taryn, thank you so much for sharing this. I can not express well how this made me feel, both because I am not good with words and also because I am nursing Mariella and do not type well one-handed!
I too had a difficult journey to find myself. I struggled with depression through all of my teenage years and on many occasions wished to no longer be of this world. I made poor choices.
All of this changed when I met my husband and found strength in myself through his unconditional love. He saw beauty in me that I had never seen in myself.
Becoming a mother has been the next biggest step in becoming a “whole me”. When I looked at myself in the mirror after Mariella arrived, I truly saw myself for the first time. I looked so different to myself, even though I’m sure to others I
I hadn’t changed.
I have been home with my baby, just nursing and enjoying our time together. We’ve made a warm little cocoon here for ourselves. She is growing fast and I think our calm time together has helped heal us both after the trauma of a delivery that didn’t go the way I planned (dangerous blood pressure, induced at almost 37 weeks, hemorrhaging after, etc)
Be well, and much love to you, Jeff, and Bracken!
you are so inspiring and beautiful words flow from you and your gentle beautiful soul. i will see you for sure this year!
xo carlanda
Taryn, I must compliment you on listening to your body, taking time to be with your baby at these precious moments early in life. So many people rush into exposing their baby to the world, it can be to much for them and for us mothers. It can lead to depression, anxiety, or illness. I am a mother of three sons and I have found that the most vulnerable time is the years before they are 5 years old. I have also experienced the need to retreat to home and center with the my sons at times when the world is just to much, even when they are 9, 12, or 16.The boys seem to understand this and appreciate this. I think I have been teaching them a valuable tool they will use in their lives. All of my boys know when they just want to be home, in the shell with just our family. You have good motherly instincts. Keep up the good work. Jeff and Bracken are blessed to have you. I have enjoyed reading your blog.
Sincerely, Amber