Sure, buying some might seem like the easier option and doing it yourself a whole lot more work…..
or is it?
I’ve come to realize that each are just a different kind of work.
We could be inside working on the computer (how we make our living this time of year) to make more money to buy wood. Or we could be outside, getting exercise and fresh air, cleaning up the forest, soaking up the sunshine, and getting it ourselves! A fun firewood adventure is so much more satisfying!
Now don’t get me wrong. We absolutely love what we do for a living and we enjoy making money. I’m just saying that we live simply and need to choose what we spend our hard-earned money on very wisely. So, when you’ve got what you need in your own backyard- why not embrace hard work and go for it?
We’ve been blessed with gorgeous, sunny winter days lately. The great outdoors have been calling to us, so we decided to head up the mountain to get some much needed firewood. We went one day last week and one day this week. Past storms made for a lot of fallen trees in the forest. They made it fun during mountain hikes because there was a magical archway to duck under and a huge log to climb over, which I loved to balance on and pick huckleberries from (not to mention how much the goats loved to play on it and the dogs liked to run on it and eat huckleberries alongside me.) But as much fun as these fallen trees were, it was time to turn them into firewood to keep our home warm.
Why? Oh, so many reasons! Even though all the rounds had to be rolled down the mountain, which was a lot of work, we enjoyed ourselves so much. For one, we didn’t drive our truck anywhere (no roads where we were)- we stayed right on this land. The dogs joined us. We all enjoyed being in the forest and Bracken loved looking at it all. And it was such a satisfying feeling to be clearing up the woods and making them even more beautiful, while getting wood at the same time. We feel blessed to live here and feel it’s our responsibility to care for this land as it cares for us.
We focus a lot on feeding our bodies and it’s good to remember what feeds our souls, so we can do those things often. Working hard on this land feeds my soul. Pouring my energy into building our dreams here, feeds my soul. Being in the forest feeds my soul.
With less than two days work, we got about three and a half cords of wood. That’s about $600 worth of firewood.
Doing something that feeds your soul…… priceless!
Bracken (on my belly in the Ergo carrier) watching all the action
Jeff working his way through the thick huckleberries to get to a fallen tree
It’s amazing what Jeff can do with his small chainsaw….
Satcha likes getting firewood too
What have you done to feed your soul lately?
Thanks for the comments!
mckenzie- We live in Oregon. About 20 minutes from the coast. That’s why our winters are so mild. We love it.
Creative projects are such a fun way to feed the soul! Especially on a cozy, indoor winter day. 🙂
Lindsey- I love the picture you painted of your soul-feeding experience. 🙂 Good book too.
Aunt Isla- I’ll share your message with Jeff, that will make his day! 🙂
Dana- Yes, we do have lots of usnea!
Kelly- We have 3 acres.
*Sigh* I have wood-fire envy!
How many acres do you guys have?
Lovely scenario. It’s hard to tell from the pictures but it looks like your firewood stompin grounds might be a host to some fine usnea too. If so, what another woodland delight! I’m off to do some woodland work at my own place today (in Western NC)!
Jeff……… remind me of your Uncle Lee in some of those pictures. He was always at peace out in the woods with his power saw and gathering in the wood for our big wood heater.
Taryn I loved this post! It fed MY soul to read about your wood-collecting adventure, and to see the pictures!
And wow, $600 worth of wood, that’s incredible! I bet that feels so good. Why buy it when you can do it yourself and have more fun…my motto, too.
Today what has fed my soul is to be inside, cozy under the down comforter, resting & reading The Celestine Prophecy, drinking tea, watching the snow gently falling outside on this wintry day.
We’re like you guys in the same respect. Firewood is just too expensive to be bought!
I’ve fed my soul with a lot of sewing projects lately. Two new oven mitts, two pairs of leg warmers from old sweaters, and I’m about to make a bunch of dish cloths from an old tablecloth.
Your winter looks beautiful compared to ours. I’m longing for some green leaves and sunshine right now, but we’ve had non-stop snow, ice, and rain. It’s pretty in its own way, but there comes a point every winter at which I’m SO ready for spring again. Can I ask what state you live in that you have such nice winters? We’re contemplating where we should ultimately settle.
I love this post! I love hearing about how soul nourishing it is for your family to work outside and make homesteading fun! You will be so warm and cozy by your crackling woodstove with all that wood you cut.