“Thanks for the bunny hat Aunt Isla!”
Recently, Jeff’s Aunt Isla sent this bunny hat that she knitted for Bracken. How sweet is that? This picture is priceless! The darling hat and his precious expression make the cutest combo! A few days ago it was too big for his head, but I swear his head is growing by the day because look how good it fits here!
We cherish handmade gifts that are created with so much love.
Then yesterday, we went to the post office to mail out some Etsy orders, and had another surprise in the mail. A recent Etsy customer and Wooly Moss Roots reader, sent a wooly elf hat and legwarmers that she knit for Bracken! A women who had never met us, yet shared such an incredible gift, was very awe-inspiring. We were touched.
Thank you so much Susan! This morning was chilly in the house before Jeff got the fire going, but little Bracken was all nice and toasty- he was one bundled up, wooly baby! (And he stayed nice and toasty on our morning mountain hike too.)
“I’m an elf hat kind of guy.”
The funny thing is, I had been planning on knitting Bracken a pair of legwarmers, but hadn’t got around to it.
When I looked at Bracken all bundled up in his hand knit legwarmers and hat from Susan, and his hand knit sweater from our friend Inge from market, it reminded me of all the homemade gifts our artist friends brought for Bracken during Holiday Market. They brought handmade leather baby moccasins, hand knit socks, a wooden bowl, a walnut wood rattle, handmade clothes, a miniature version of the elf hat Jeff always wears, a journal, magnets, and so much more.
Not to mention all the gifts from family and friends prior to that.
The incredible generosity was amazing and the creativity was inspiring.
How blessed we are to be surrounded by so many people who give freely from their hearts what they create with their own hands.
Bracken is one lucky little boy!
Big thanks to you all!
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