In the midst of busy life (and especially after becoming a parent), it can see like a real challenge to get time for yourself. Yet, it’s so essential for your well being!
I love the days when I get up and get a lot accomplished early on. Accomplishing a lot gives me the satisfaction of feeling like I’m “earning” time for myself later. I love putting Bracken in the carrier on my belly and sweeping the floors, tidying up, doing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, feeding the animals, hanging laundry to dry ….then (when Bracken says enough busy-ness, he’s hungry)….sitting down on the couch to nurse him.
On a rainy day, I can look around our clean home and get the coziest of feelings, soaking in the warmth of the woodstove. I can breathe a sigh of relief and have a moment for me.
“Me” time is quiet time.
Usually Bracken falls asleep nursing and I take a few moments to gaze out the window (it feels so good to do nothing and stare off into space, doesn’t it?) Lately, I’ve been flipping through some fun reading material. Awhile back Jeff’s Aunt Isla gave us a subscription to Mary Jane’s Farm magazine. I really enjoyed it last week. My favorite parts are the stories that the readers write in, which are always heartwarming. There are some things that seem downright silly and make me laugh- like what farmgirl has the time to paint their chicken’s toenails and sew chicken diapers? But I enjoy it all the same. This week we picked up more magazines from the library- Mother Earth News and Countryside Magazine. Lots of inspiring articles.
So, sometimes “me” time means taking a few quiet moments to flip through a magazine.
Sometimes it means a hike through the woods, writing a blog post, waiting a moment to watch the goats after feeding them, or savoring the flavors in a delicious meal.
It doesn’t really matter what I’m doing, as long as I take the time to be quiet, be present, and breathe deeply. To sigh and let the whirlwind of activity float away. I love action and activity, but know they need to be balanced with moments of pause. Moments where we remember to appreciate why we are doing all of the activity in the first place. These moments renew me. They help me focus on my tasks for the day and have renewed vigor for them.
You may not feel like you can take a whole lot of time for yourself, but even seemingly small moments can make a huge difference. Some days we feel overwhelmed with what seems like a whole bunch of full-time jobs for two people- taking care of Bracken, our home, preparing meals, the homestead and animals, creating for our business (and photographing, loading, packaging, shipping) and running errands. But when we take these moments of quiet for ourselves, we are reminded of how much we love doing all these things. It balances us. It refreshes our perspective. It can be for a long time or a short time. Either way, the world looks a whole lot more beautiful after the reprieve.
How do you take time for yourself?
Moms can have a tough time finding time for themselves sometimes! 5 children must keep you plenty busy! 🙂
I love the sweet moments you shared and the peanut butter kiss visual brought me an especially big smile!! 🙂
I loved your post. With the birth of each sweet babe (5 children here) there is less and less “me” time. However, I think that makes me appreciate the little things all the more! Like a solitary walk out to milk the goats in early morning, listening to the birds sing in early spring, a sticky peanut butter kiss from a wee one, pillow talk with my husband late at night…