A new Wooly Moss Roots reader, Heike, bought some items from our Etsy Shop that we recently sent to Germany. Today we received a package from her with gifts for Bracken.
A little forest dwarf (complete with pointy hat) made with wool from a sheep farm near her town. And a little outfit made of wool and silk (it’s so soft.) She included a postcard with pictures of forest elfs on the front and wrote a sweet note.
Jeff and I feel so incredibly blessed to be showered with such love and generosity. Bracken is going to be so cozy in that striped outfit and I have a feeling he will have so much fun playing with that woolen toy!
Giving gifts from our hearts makes a greater impact on the world than we know. The goodness spreads.
Heike- Thank you, thank you! You made our day!
Taryn, of course, I will let you know, when your package is in my hands!!:))
Heidi, I have no shop…
I don` t know how it is in USA, but
here these dwarfs are very known in Waldorf schools and communities.
Their official name is “Hottinger dwarf”, after a Swiss lady named Mrs. Hottinger who could see dwarfs, that looked like this knitted one.
And there are descriptions how to knit them.
A wonderful day to all to you
Let us know when they arrive Heiki! 🙂
Heidi- Not that I know of.
This is so cute! What a wonderful gift!
Wonderful! ♥ ♥ ♥
What a generouse spirit! That gnome is so adorable, does Heike have a shop?
Thanks, for your lovely words, Taryn,…. and I am so excited to read now, that those wonderful things from your shop are on its way to me.
with best wishes
That is absolutely adorable!