Hello Lovelies!
We are doing a giveaway on our friend Nicole’s blog, the habit of being.
You could win this hand-carved Tree Stirring Kitchen Paddle! (Remember our first giveaway when we asked what you wanted to see more of? Well, we got a request for one of our paddles with a carved tree on it- so here it is!)
This paddle is…
Art to cook with, how cool is that?!
Want to enter?
Just head over to A Giveaway and leave a comment. It’s that easy! Giveaway ends Sunday at midnight.
We really enjoy our stirring paddles in the kitchen and we’ve been hearing from a lot of others enjoying theirs as well. Aja from Rhode Island, who won the Celtic Stirring Paddle in our last giveaway, wrote about it in her post: Lady Luck, on her blog, Moon Woman Rising.
We love that all of you are enjoying giveaways so much!
Rachel from Canada wrote about her excitement of winning the hand-carved earrings in our last giveaway in her post: Sweet Treat, on her blog, House Full of Jays.
….I wonder who will win this paddle?…..
I wonder what delicious food they’ll make with it?
I love to wonder!
Thanks Aja!! We are so glad you are enjoying it!! 🙂
Oh yes, I am loving, loving on our gorgeous paddle. I still can’t believe Lady Luck visited me 🙂 All best wishes to the next lucky winner and sending love to Taryn and Jeff for their amazing generosity.