If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
-Two packages in the mail from dear readers! Water kefir grains (for making fermented, probiotic drinks) from Carys and a book (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) to borrow from Sarah. I was so delighted when Jeff walked out of the post office and handed them to me with a smile and loved the adorable sheep picture on the front of the package with the book. (Thank you both!)
-Becoming a duck herder. I rather like that title. We’ve been herding the ducks each day to the area we want them to graze. They look so cute waddling together in a giant group.
-Enjoying some lavender mint body butter (two of my favorite scents) that our friend Christelle, of Moon Root Soaps, makes. How can anything smell so good?!
-My mom booking her plane ticket to come visit in August. We already have some fun things planned- Saturday Market (which she loves to go to), an ocean day (essential every time she visits), and blueberry picking (after going last year, she’s hooked.)
-Watching the ducks play football with giant banana slugs, chasing each other around the yard. We’ve had a major slug problem this year and they can annihilate our garden in no time, so I’m very grateful to have the ducks eating them! That way Jeff doesn’t have to go on “slug hunt” every morning.
-Bracken starting to say his m’s. He’s been saying his g’s and h’s for awhile now. It sounds like he says “muh” which is very close to ma! That makes me smile.
-Jeff and I reading aloud before bed a few nights. I read some fun kids books and Bracken liked the pictures (but mostly liked to grab the pages and chew on the corners, which is fine because they are those wonderful hard cover and hard paged books.) Jeff has been reading an adventure story to us, which has been really fun.
-Connecting with wonderful people. Readers who leave comments and write sweet messages that make my whole day. Forming new friendships. Sharing laughter and understanding.
-Sweet moments with Jeff and Bracken that make me stop and that fill my heart with awe. Taking a step back from my life and realizing how lucky I am to be alive and to be living this life.
i’m so glad the grains got there safely and quickly!
blessings and hearthugs,
I’m grateful for the chuckle I got over picturing your ducks playing football with slugs! Now I want ducks just for that! It could be a new farm spectator sport!
Hi Taryn. I so enjoy all of the lovely outdoor photos on your blog, and had to pause today to comment on your garden- it’s beautiful! What a great view to look out on, ducks and all!
Thanks all!
Thanks for joining Gratitude Sunday! I looked at all your links and commented! xoxo
So lovely Taryn.
I love the view of your garden.xxx
Thank you so much for starting this, Taryn. I love it.
Here’s mine: http://mountainmommamusings.blogspot.com/2011/05/gratitude-sunday.html
Love and Light,
I want to be a duck herder one day 🙂
Here’s my list:
I’m grateful for such a wonderful grateful woman in my life…and every day we share…And Bracken….and pretty much everything about our Lives together…. Hey how come it’s leaving this message as Mystic Orb…..?
Hi Taryn,
What a nice list — I love reading your gratitudes.
My list for this week is here: