With all the enthusiasm over Jeff’s wood buttons, we thought that would be the perfect thing for our next giveaway!
So, if you would like to win a set of 6 buttons for your next creative endeavor, head on over to our friend Lara’s blog, A Mountain Hearth, and enter the giveaway!
Thank you both for your comments. I let Lara know that both of you entered. 🙂
Kimhawkari- Thank you! I’m so grateful to bring you inspiration!
Michele- I’m so glad you enjoy my blog. How do I keep up the freshness/joy? Wow, I could write a whole lot of blog posts. 🙂 It’s a constant balancing act. I find when I’m too “in my head” and not able to connect with joy, I need to get grounded back in my body by moving it around in nature. Exercise outside helps A LOT! Good sleep helps. Nutritious diet helps. A gratitude journal I write in at night helps a lot. Sometimes a change of scenery. Sometimes an epsom salt bath.
What do you love? Doing what you love will bring you joy.
Hi Taryn:
Left comments on Mystic Orb’s site and was directed here to add a second desire to enter the button contest.
Gorgeous – who would ever want mass produced, store buttons after seeing these beauties?
Love your blog…and am attempting to regularly see “joy” in the things around me on a daily basis. I realize how jaded I have become in my “old age”, and don’t like it one bit! I see neat things…but am having trouble spiriting up the joy element. How do you keep up the freshness/joy?
Michele Bouchier
I can’t seem to figure out how to leave a comment at Mountain Hearth, but I did want to say that I am inspired daily by reading your blog, farmama’s and mountain hearth. Thank you for following your dreams, it inspires me! I love the wooden buttons!! I love to knit woolies for my children, and these would look lovely.. I was absolutely blown away by the Tribal Butterfly Lapis Inlay, my jaw dropped!!