When I’ve felt overwhelmed by all there was to do, I decided to focus on one section at a time. Even though we didn’t get much garden time throughout the week, everything we got done made us feel better and better.
And today, the sun shone! And we finally had our garden day. We worked hard outside all day long and it was fantastic. We love seeing the progress from hard work.
The fuschias are opening up and the hummingbirds are loving it!
Baby blueberries- I sight I love to see! Our blueberry plants are still in pots, waiting to go in the ground. We have a lot to do in the area we want to plant them (major blackberry removal among other weeds, and terracing.) In the meantime, they are in large pots and are thriving, waiting patiently to sink their roots into the good earth.
I’ve been wanting to get a picture of the ducks to show you how big they got (or record a video of them playing in their pond because it’s so cute), but our ‘Runner Ducks’ are certainly runners and they run far away from us! They are very shy. If they see one of us, one of the dogs, or even the goats, they go running like a bunch of wild things. We were hoping they would be more tame. We’ll see.
At least this friendly bee let me take a nice close up!
The grape starts are growing growing in the greenhouse. We love to check on them and look at each other with big smiles on our faces over the excitement we feel that we are going to have our favorite concord grapes growing here!!
More in the greenhouse…. we planted three varieties of runner beans and many different types of sunflowers. To make room for all of this in the greenhouse, we moved a bunch of starts out of the greenhouse and planted them in the ground. We are wondering where we are going to plant everything in the garden. Every year we plant a bazillion seeds and then wonder where we will fit them all, yet we always seem to find a spot here and there until we fit it all. Or we give a bunch of plants to friends.
Jeff planted thyme in old teapots he drilled and some miscellaneous clay pots. They will look so beautiful with thyme cascading down the edges.
I love the morning mountain views as we walk down to feed the goats.
We started a new morning routine last week where Bracken and I feed the goats in the milking room, on the milking stands. Even though we are not milking them, that’s where I trim their hooves. I am trying to get Fennel (pictured above) more tame like Bree and Faun are. Right now she is a “wild thang!”
Blurry picture, but I love seeing Bracken’s expressions as he watches the goats.
The forest looks succulent.
We’ve had a late spring and this past week was finally when I realized that I needed sun!!! I was craving it with the intensity of pregnancy food cravings! Today I soaked it up and felt so deeply grateful for the sun. I’m also grateful for this time of year and to be outside more.
What’s been growing in your world this past week?
love this post! i love seeing everything growing and blooming at your place!
re: the mint – we have an amazing and thriving spearmint patch in our garden… planted by someone who lived here before us… it’s the best mint i’ve ever tasted… next time we see each other you should taste it and see if you like it… if you do, you’re welcome to take cuttings (or roots, or however it is that one divides mints)!
soooo busy with wedding planning stuff… but i knew if i stopped by your blog i’d get a nice breath of fresh air!
I love seeing all the growth happening at your place. I was under the illusion that would be done planting at some point, but I just keep planting, keep starting, keep transplanting 🙂 It’s exciting how fast all the perennial plants are growing right now. Herbs seems to double in size overnight (okay not really, but it sure seems like it!). Our veggie garden has been slow to get going, but just this week I am starting to feel like we will have an abundance of food this summer. Tiny cucumbers are starting to form, tomatoes are flowering and the peas and beans are finally flowering. We are excited to build a greenhouse. Maybe next year! But that should help tremendously. I would love to see more photos of yours. I’d like to build ours with recycled windows too.
Much Love to your family…things are looking stellar around you rland…thanks for the glimpse
Beautiful. I can smell the honeysuckle from here! Such beautiful flowers. Chives- wonderful.
I had to go to work yesterday. I nearly stopped on the way as I couldn’t bare the thought of being indoors all day!
Have a lovely weekend.
Much love.
Hello Taryn,
at first I am glad to read from you.
I was worried and thought you are ill or so.
I like your miracle garden.
In our garden the strawberries get red and serveral herbs are growing and every day we can harvest salad.
With best wishes
I love the images you’ve captured of the morning light through the trees. I love trees..
I’ve been pottering in our garden this week, mainly making the soil nice and rich, and wondering what to do about all the slugs we have now our hedgehogs have gone into hibernation! I just don’t know…x
oh, wow, i’ve never thought to dehydrate chive flowers — YUM! and mine have been blooming like wild, so there will be plenty. the house is going to smell SO GOOD! thankyou for the excellent idea!
Found you via Farmama. Never thought to dehydrate chive flowers. I did make Chive Vinegar with them though. You have lots of lovely ideas. I especially like the teapot one. Here is a link to what is growing in our Urban garden.
Love the greenhouse! So that’s what baby blueberries are supposed to look like. I guess I don’t hold out much hope for mine this year 🙁 Chive blossoms are so beautiful…and so are your morning views. Have a beautiful, sunny weekend!