If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
-Jeff buying a bunch of celery starts from farmer’s market for us to plant in the garden. I am so excited to have celery growing in the garden this year! I had homegrown celery once and it was deep green and very intensely flavored. The fact that I can still remember the experience so clearly, is a sure sign it’s time to plant some, wouldn’t you say?
-Finding this recipe for making noodles with zucchini. We always have a lot of zucchini in our garden every year and this sounds delicious! I usually prepare it in stir fries and am glad to learn a new recipe to add some variety.
-Seeing hummingbirds regularly flying around the garden. What a joyful sight they are!
-Getting a new headset for our phone (old one broke) so that I can carry Bracken in the pack and have both hands free to get things done around the house whenever I happen to be one the phone. Even though I’m not on the phone all that much, having my hands (and shoulder) free whenever I am sure helps!
-Rainy days throughout the week to get caught up indoors.
-A hike with a dear friend and a play date with such precious moments that it turned my heart to mush.
-Following my intuition more and more and having life get even better whenever I do. I’m so grateful that I continue to learn to listen to it more, rather than to ignore it, like I did so much of my life.
-Buying nine gorgeous heads of cabbage from farmer’s market, to fill our ten gallon crock with a giant batch of sauerkraut.
-Sunshine at market yesterday. It’s so fun to see the bright smiles and happy moods Oregonians get when the sun comes out!
-Folk music at market that was awesome! (And made me want to learn how to play more instruments!) Also, watching a little girl dancing so freely to the music and seeing all the hearts she opened of people watching her. A soul spreading light in the world is a beautiful thing to behold!
-The feeling of coming home yesterday after a long and exhausting day in the hustle and bustle of market. The fresh mountain air, even the smell of it, makes me sigh in relief. I’m grateful for the blessings of market each week and how it makes me even more grateful to be home when we return. Having a place to sink my roots has been my heart’s wish for a long time and now that I feel that, I am thankful every day.
-A quiet moment to write this while Bracken fell asleep in one arm, a refreshing breeze is blowing through the window, and hearing the river flowing, birds singing, and all the outdoor sounds that are so soothing.
Yep, that would be me! π
~Heather- You are so so sweet. Thank you for always supporting my Spirit. I love you so much!
And I really look forward to Bracken’s dancing. π
~Ballerina Baller- I love sun tea with nettles! yum!
I read your post, beautiful.
~Jeff- love you! π
~Molly Piper- Bless your heart for your sweet message. It touched my heart.
~Lindsey- Thanks! I loved your list as I always do. I look forward to reading your list every Sunday! π
~CraftySpirit- Is this aka Twilightspirit who had the tree carved in your special walnut? We’re so glad you like your pendant!
I love your gratitude list!
~Trish- you’re so sweet! Always love your gratitude lists!
~Heike- I’m so grateful you have your necklaces and are enjoying them! My, were you ever patient! I was shocked at how long they took to get to you. Thanks for being your sweet self.
~Kimberlie- Welcome! So glad you found my blog and so happy to hear from you. That is an exciting blessing! Especially these days when there seem to be less bees to pollinate gardens.
Love to you all!
Hey Kimberlie, You know hive’s are pretty cheap. We get all our supplies over in Eugene at Glory Bee. If you set it up in an ideal place in your yard (ideal for bees…wind shelter, not too hot) they might decide to move in to that, then you can collect the honey… We want to do bees again but the darn bears keep raiding our hives.
So many things to be thankful for, especially having a place to sink one’s roots π Beautiful and perfect.
I loved finding this blog. Your writings are peaceful and full of joy. My gratitude this week comes from a long awaited blessing (like your blueberry bushes π My husband was working in our garden and I heard a loud HHHUUUUUMMMMMMMM outside my home, I looked out the kitchen window and a huge swarm of honeybees were swarming above our deck. After about 20 minutes of watching millions of bees hovering, they started to dissapate…….much to our awe, they had taken up residence in our unused chiminy! We live in a 100 yr old home that his great grandpa built, and grandma bricked in the chiminy π
So, after much wishing that somehow a beehive could be a part of our little farm in the city, suddenly we have millions of pollinators for our gardens, right in our roof π although harvesting the honey probably can’t happen, I am thrilled to have them safe and sound! Thanks for the positive input you give into my days…….love to you and yours, a fellow Oregonian π
Hello Taryn,
I am grateful that I now can wear these wonderful necklaces, jeff made, that warm my heart. they are so special.
Again and again I am grateful that I have found you in this big virtuell world.
love and light
A wonderful list from a wonderful person!
I must make sauerkraut soon!
Much love.
I am grateful for….
-The wonderful, wonderful work Jeff did on my pendant. I got it today, and it is beautiful and makes my heart so glad.
-The opportunity I had previously let slide by to garden with my wonderful mama. At the moment, we’re taking a quick break from putting up fencing.
-My deliciously fruitful (so far) pumpkin and squash patch. My first time growing them, and they’re lovely!
-My roses, doing so well. I am loving the process of learning about them, nuturing them, and watching them take off.
-The fact that the neighbor’s rooster has wandered back to our little farm. I love hearing him crowing to be fed.
-This beautiful day!
I love your list, as always, Taryn! It’s beautiful π
Here’s mine for the week:
Lots of love comin’ your way,
You are SUCH a darling, you always remind me of what is really important! and so does Jeff. I wish you and Jeff and Bracken all things lovely and divine.
I’m so thankful that I’m finally sitting down for a moment, and am so looking forward to our Sunday on Monday…. and our ….well…… you know..
hi! love your blog posts. you posted about nettles and a few days later a friend came to my door with a basket full of dried nettles for tea! i brewed it in the sun with a dash of local honey and it was aaammmmaaaazzzzzzing!
My post follows this theme, though it isn’t being grateful per say, but it is very meditative and something to be grateful for.
hi! love your blog posts. you posted about nettles and a few days later a friend came to my door with a basket full of dried nettles for tea! i brewed it in the sun with a dash of local honey and it was aaammmmaaaazzzzzzing!
My post follows this theme, though it isn’t being grateful per say, but it is very meditative and something to be grateful for.
I remember, distinctly, you dancing so freely. I remember thinking how beautiful you were and I prayed that you wouldn’t lose your ability to freely express yourself like that. You may have lost it for a bit, but it sounds like you have all the support in the world to flow freely today!!! I can’t wait until you can watch Braken dance like that!
I love you!