G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
–Acting on inspiration and making a phone call that felt right. Becoming less afraid of “going for it” when it comes to following those bursts of inspiration.
–A mountain hike. The mountain views seem to bring a heightened perception and a visionary shift.
–Finishing reading an incredible book- ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome’, that answered so many health questions I had. I was so inspired by it, that I will surely write a blog post about it soon. Jeff is reading it now.
–Custom orders that help us pay the bills. And my heart calming me and reassuring me when my mind gets overly stressed or worried about things like bills. Then having it all work out.
-My palm itching before we made money. It turned into a fun game, telling Jeff “my palm just itched!…”
-Reading through my new MaryJanesFarm magazine while Bracken nursed. I love reading what farmgirls have to say. I’m grateful to have the bits of quiet time to myself that help regenerate me. And I love the way Bracken likes to hold my hand or put his sweet palm against my face when he nurses these days.
-Realizing (again) that karma needs to be worked out between people in it’s own time and that you can’t hurry lessons. And being reminded to mind my own business and detach from drama.
-So many precious moments of watching Jeff and Bracken together. I probably write this on my list every week. That’s okay.
–Caring for myself. I felt in a bit of a funk in the beginning of the week and then got a very sore throat, which explained why I was feeling a little “off”. It felt just like the sore throat I had not too long ago. So I got proactive and drank mugs of elderberry tea, mellowed my pace down, had early bedtimes, enjoyed a few spoonfuls of honey and ate plenty of garlic with meals. In the past I might have pushed myself and kept up at a fast pace, ignoring it altogether, making it worst and lasting much longer. Instead, I took care of myself and my throat healed so quickly! I’m grateful that I’m learning how to take better care of myself and have a better balance.
-And speaking of Lara, a post by her that made me laugh called Sneaky Chickens.
-A day with some sunshine. Being in the sun feels so good!
-Eating out of our garden, what a fun time of year!
-Making decisions that I was grateful for later. Based on what was best for me rather than what I thought someone else wanted me to do.
-Deciding to see the humor in obnoxious and annoying behavior such as when someone comes up to you and announces that they despise slender people (when you happen to be slender), or ask you what sells in your booth (only to attempt to replicate it and sell it in their’s), or smoking a cigarette and being unconscious of the fact that they are blowing the smoke right next to your baby (yuck! boogy on away from that!)
-Eating fresh local fruit again! I love you strawberries!
So glad you it resonated! We should set up a “do nothing” support system group 🙂 We can all remind each other that when we are run down and in need of healing for sick bodies (or minds) its ok to do nothing 🙂
I was late in getting my list up last night, but here it is: http://mountainmommamusings.blogspot.com/2011/06/gratitude-sunday.html
Love and Light,
Hi, Taryn ~ thanks for the heartfelt post and for the inspiration! Your blog is just always so awesome. I read Aja’s post, rhat ya linked, too — and ended up writing my big ol’ healing journey story into my gratitude post tonight.
I’m joining in at:
Have a wonderful week!
That’s a rip-snortin’ list! Awesome!!! I just really love reading your gratitudes each week. And I can’t believe it’s already Sunday again!
Here’s my list for this week:
Much love to you & Jeff & Bracken,
hey Taryn, I love yer blog and especially this Sunday task! I really got into it. focusing on the good in life is so refreshing!!
That’s a lovely long list.
At this moment I am grateful to you for sharing your thoughts here and the rain falling outside!
Much love.