If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
-A bath for Bracken in the kitchen sink. He has only had a few of these since he’s been born (baths in the sink that is, not baths in general) and I’m savoring it because he is getting big so fast and won’t fit in that sink for long!
-Surrendering to a nap that magically transformed tiredness and grouchiness into revitalization, inspiration, and calm peace.
-Looking out the window to catch a moment of Jeff and Bracken laying in the grass near the garden, while Jeff sang to him.
-Getting Jeff a new pair of shoes thanks to a wonderful return customer. (His old pair that he’s practically worn since I met him, came from a thrift store and had more holes than shoe. Now his favorite pair of pants have more holes than pant and are beyond mending, so new pants are up next!)
-Loving A few words of wisdom, from Lindsey at Herbangardener.
Hi Taryn! Your Gratitude Sundays inspired me to create a gratitude post of my own (for today’s “Wordless Wednesday”).
Your blog is always filled with such joy & abundance & beauty. I love visiting. Hope you enjoy my post, and THANK YOU for your joyful blog!
Love your grateful Sundays! Those morels look fantastic (and that breakfast made my mouth water haha!).
Thank you for your wonderful comment on my last blog post. We are beyond thrilled and it felt so incredibly grateful to see such happy responses to our news… thanks again.
I need to visit soon! My friend from Michigan is visiting town and REALLY wanted to go to market but alas, we were on the coast for the weekend and didn’t make it home on time. But I promise I will visit soon… I’m having market withdrawal. 🙂
Beautiful list Taryn! Very inspiring , and here’s my list too!
I saw your comment at CAF and came over to check out your blog. I like the idea of Gratitude Sunday and may be adding it to my blog as well.
Wonderful list!!!!
It made me smile so big to see that you loved my ‘words of wisdom’!
I love your market basket…how picturesque!
And your breakfast this morning sounds unbelievable!
Here’s my list for this week:
I am grateful for the shishkibobs from the BBQ this weekend with family!
Shrimp,cherry tomato,beef,bell pepper,onion and pineapple! and later on marshmallows over the coals! So much fun.
Taryn, that was lovely.
I feel hungry and happy now! Must go eat!
Much love
Just joined!
Denise in TN
oh taryn, i so love reading every single word you write! you inspire me and make me smile! i am grateful today for health, happiness and also being with the love of my life-lee. i am grateful i discovered wooly moss roots. love to you and your family. xo carlanda