G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
What I’ve felt grateful for this past week:
-The oasis the greenhouse becomes whenever it’s rainy. (Above is the geranium in the greenhouse on one such rainy day, earlier in the week.)
-Our neighbor getting a rooster so we can hear that familiar sound (at a distance, which is nice.) Something about that sound just delights me every time. I hear it gently in the morning, throughout the day in the garden, and even before bedtime. I think that rooster just figured out how to crow and is pretty darn excited about it.
-Enjoying some fun books from the library, in the few spare moments I find to read them. I love the library!
-Getting loads of free pallets! We have lots of plans for those pallets.
-Finding a BPA-free sippy cup for Bracken at our local grocery store. He loves it! It’s great for teething on and he held it up and drank from it himself a few times, which was so adorable.
-Discovering a nest in the maple tree down below. We watched as the mama robin fed the babies. We could see their little beaks just poking out of the top of the nest made out of moss. It was such a sweet sight.
-A morning where I nursed Bracken in bed, and Jeff surprised me by bringing up breakfast. There is something so fun about eating breakfast in bed and we hardly ever do it.
-Going out in the garden before mealtimes whenever we needed something. Then harvesting boxes of lettuce and kale this morning. That means lots of salads this week, which makes us happy.
-Seeing the freezer fill up with raspberries, strawberries, and so much good food!
-Help from neighbors that made a big job so much easier and more enjoyable.
-Country neighbors (yep, I’m talking about you again Teri and Peter) that give gifts like elephant garlic. I had never tried it before and now I love it.
-Wondering where summer was. (Blueberries are about three weeks late this year.) Then having the glorious sun come out! The garden is loving it after all that deep rain and now the warm sunny days.
-Jeff rubbing my neck when I got a headache and making it so I could fall asleep, which I really needed. I appreciated that so much.
-Having the courage to follow my heart’s guidance and embracing change.
-Catching myself when I was feeling stressed and getting grouchy yesterday and apologizing to Jeff (who I was getting a bit snappy and sassy with.) Being able to laugh at myself when I realize I’m acting that way and having the tension melt away.
-A guy named Joe visiting our booth at market yesterday, all the way from Mississippi. He said his girlfriend, Leah, was a reader of Wooly Moss Roots and since he was going to be in the area, she hoped he would visit our booth. I was so touched. Something from our Mystic Orb booth will now find a new home in Mississippi. (I want to say hello to Leah! Thank you for reading. And by the way, Joe says he loves you!)
And now my favorite part, reading your gratitudes.
What have you felt grateful for this past week, dear readers?
Loved your gratitude lists!
Love all you ladies!
@Leah- So glad to hear from you! 🙂 Maybe next time you can visit our booth too, so I can meet you in person. It means so much to me that you enjoy my blog.
Love to you!
Oh my goodness HI! I am that Leah!! I’m so glad/excited he found ya’ll at the market! I’ve been a reader for several months and I so enjoy reading your posts!
You are so lovely. It has made my day reading your post!
Much love.
Here is my list too!
It’s in italian 🙂
hugs from Italy!
Hi sweet Taryn!
Loved reading your list of heartfelt Farm and Family moments!!!
Here’s my list this week:
Much love,