(One of Jeff’s new carved magnets, handwritten by me)
G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
–Time spent with my mom before she flew back. Having her help around here was wonderful also. Hearing Bracken giggling and having so much fun with his grandma was precious.
-Making coconut flour pancakes for the first time. Topped with almond butter, homemade applesauce and strawberries. We are excited to try more recipes with coconut flour.
-So many lovingly prepared, delicious, and nourishing meals. Harvesting in the garden to make our meals is such a good feeling.
-Time to slow down, heal and regenerate. It gave me the opportunity to load new items on our Etsy Shop, including a bunch of Jeff’s carved magnets.
-More wood in the woodshed. With every truck full, we feel more prepared for winter. Jeff re-organized the woodshed and got it all stacked. It looks so beautiful when it’s full (er).
-Being able to use Jeff’s computer since mine isn’t working. (Sparks shot out the last time I tried to plug it in.)
-Eating a few blueberries off our very own blueberry bushes. (The birds got most of them, but each one we eat feels like a victory, and we will most likely put up bird netting once we get them in the ground. If we had an acre of blueberries, like our neighbors, we would let the birds have all they wanted, but we’d really like to eat more than a handful from our plants next year.)
-Helping Jeff in his workshop and excitedly talking about our new products, changes we want to make in our booth, preparing for Holiday Market, and different things we want to make and add to our shop. It’s really fun when we get inspired together.
-Feeling so passionate about learning. I’ve been like a sponge, soaking up information from my latest library books. I’m loving learning and I feel “on the flow” when the same messages come again and again and really click together.
-Figuring out how to add something to the bottom of each blog post so that people can easily share posts that they enjoy on facebook, twitter, blogger, e-mail etc. I was very excited to figure out how to do that.
-Watching Bracken change and grow day by day. He is 10 months old today!
-All the sweet, loving, and thoughtful comments and e-mails I received from all of you this week with healing wishes. Thank you. They brightened my days so much!
-I’m grateful for Gratitude Sunday and how focusing on what I’m grateful for can shift my perspective so much!
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
erinleee says
my computer is not well these days either and I have moved into my partner’s laptop! its like changing homes…
I like the new banner!
sorry to hear about your surgery. its so good you got that looked after.
you’re a trooper.
i can’t imagine picking blackberries while wearing a baby being a simple task! hehe.
I’ve no posting for gratitudes, but I am grateful today for the warmth and easyness of summer. to be able to just walk out the door with what you have on. shoes or none – it dont matter!! the hot sun on my back… not to mention beaches. yay summer!
take care.
Trish says
10 months old! He is so adorable.
I love the magnets, what a great idea.
Hoping you are healed.
Much love.
Lindsey @ The Herbangardener says
Hi Taryn!
So glad you got to have a slower week to rest and recover and do quiet activities and eat nourishing meals.
I bet it feels good to be prepared for winter with all the wood you guys gathered!!
How awesome to get inspired with your Hubby about things for your shop! What a great feeling.
I completely know what you mean about being a sponge for learning! It seems like I’ve been in that phase for a couple years now…ravenous…just can’t get enough. Learn learn learn! My mom says she remembers going through a phase like that at our age 🙂 All I can say is, thank goodness for the library! In fact the library is in my gratitude list again this week 🙂 — it deserves to be there every week though, actually, for how grateful I am for it!
Can’t believe Bracken is TEN months old! He is such a sweetheart, and such a gorgeous child. I always love seeing pictures of him and all his expressions!
Hope you’re healing well. I learned from my surgeries that sleep, above all else, is the number one healer. Sleep sleep sleep!! All that you can!
Here’s my list this week:
So much love,