Lately I’ve been feeling inspired to share pictures of more of our meals around here, since we enjoy cooking and eating so much. Then I got some requests from readers and that felt like an affirmation. So here’s our breakfast that we enjoyed in the backyard, on a Sunday morning.
We love hearty breakfasts, especially on Sundays.
Scrambled Eggs,
Hot Italian Sausage,
sauteed in home-rendered lard
a side of
homemade Sauerkraut
All the food came from local farms.
It was a colorful array of bounty.
Blue. Red. Yellow. Brown.
We felt grateful for every bite.
The spicy sausage.
The sweet watermelon.
The tart blueberries.
The refreshing sauerkraut.
The blueberries were the ones Bracken and I picked on Friday. I know, it’s amazing there were any left. (It’s time to go again!)
The watermelon I spotted at Sweet Leaf‘s farmer’s market booth and I was so excited because I know how much Jeff loves it. I surprised him with some. Watermelons make good surprises.
The sausage came from our Deck Family Farm CSA, which feels like Christmas to us every time we get one! (You get 30-35% off the retail value. It includes grass-fed beef, pastured pork, grass-fed lamb, and pastured chicken.) The sausage was spicy, but not too spicy. Delicious.
The eggs were from our CSA box also. Look at all the colors! The yolks were so orange and gave breakfast a beautiful color. Each bite felt so nourishing. It’s amazing all the nutrients contained in the egg yolks from pastured hens.
I took this picture at Deck Family Farm‘s booth yesterday. They have exciting news! Their eggs are now certified organic (which is a lengthy process, good for them!) Their hens are fed organic grains, which is great news if you are wanting to avoid GMO’s, pesticides and herbicides. You know the saying “the proof is in the pudding.” Well, I’d like to say “the proof is in the yolk” and these yolks show that these are some very healthy hens producing nutritious eggs!
The sauerkraut is so yellow because Jeff flavored it with some turmeric. He used Groundwork Organics cabbage, Caldwell’s (we’ve tried other kinds, that one is our favorite) vegetable starter culture from Cultures for Health, and Himalayan Crystal Salt. Jeff used to make sauerkraut with just cabbage and salt. Then we used the starter culture and we’ve never gone back. Why? The taste is incredible! Slightly tingly, somewhat effervescent and probiotic rich. We love to eat it with meat to aid digestion and give a raw balance to the meal.
The home-rendered lard was made from pork fat from Deck Family Farm. Since it came from pastured pigs, it is a rich source of Vitamin D. We cook with it all the time.
The garlic came from Lonesome Whistle Farm. (They are also certified organic and they grow some gorgeous and tasty garlic.)
The beautiful plate I ate this meal on, was made by Amy The Potter.
One meal with such a rich story.
So many farms and hard work involved to create this Sunday in July, breakfast-to-remember.
And the summer sun made everything all the sweeter!
Oh my goodness, such delicious soulful food. Love
We’ve been having blueberries & watermelon here, too. Sweet watermelon – such a happy Summertime food!
Thank you always for your lovely photos & positive spirit. Hope you have a wonderful week!
What a gorgeous and tasty looking meal! “one meal with such a rich story” I love meals like that! It makes the everyday feel magical. And just the other day, while picking up our CSA I literally said “this feels like christmas!” The bounty never fails to delight me 🙂
Absolute love!! Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring. Ive even got my husband interested and reading your blog with me!!
Be well,
Mmmmmm you’ve made this mama HUNGRY!
okay, i’m stuffed full from dinner, but you’re making me hungry all over again!
beautiful photos… and yummy yummy looking food!
I just finished dinner, and yet this post has made me hungry again. 🙂
Great pics, btw.
I just finished dinner, and yet this post has made me hungry again. 🙂
Great pics, btw.