Today I’m joining Amanda at SouleMama for {this moment}
{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.
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It’s so wonderful to have all of you to ooh and ahh over Bracken pictures with!
WOW he is getting big! Sweeter by the day <3
So huggable and almost 1 year old!
Oh, look at him. Adorable!xxx
It’s moments like this that makes it all worth while. All your hard work, patience and love as a mother (and Papa too)…..what a special little elf to be in such loving hands. Contentment.
Ohhhh, so sweet…
Ohhhh, so sweet…
So sweet, cheers Marie
Oh boy! This is too sweet. I love catching them sleeping.