If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
-All the wonderful people who ordered from our shop this week. So many appreciative and lovely people.
-Thoughtful, kind e-mails and messages, full of love.
-A surprise in the mail. A blog reader from Illinois sent a letter full of warmth, a handknit hat, and a book on gnomes. There was so much love emanating from that box of gifts and we were deeply touched. (Thank you Christina! A letter is in the works for you!)
-Watching mist rise from the mountains in the mornings. Breathtaking.
-That feeling you get when you hear a song you just love…. (you know the feeling…it rises up until it can no longer be contained and causes wild dancing!)
-Getting my very first tip in the tip jar on my blog!! (Thank you Amanda!) I had an inner struggle with whether to have it there or not, for so long. Giving is much easier and more comfortable for me than receiving. But my Spirit keeps reminding me of the value of giving and receiving. So I am opening up to receiving and feeling grateful.
-For all the friendships formed from meeting sweet souls through this blog. The gifts of friendship make life colorful and rich.
-Turning a rough day into a fun day with the amazing power of laughter. A good ol’ belly laugh is magic, I tell you!
-Reading MaryJanesFarm magazine. It was fun read, a treat before bed each night.
-Enjoying the fermented beets we made. Mmm.
–Finally going to town and feeling so grateful.
-Family apple time. (Taking breaks from busy work days, sitting down together as a family, and sharing an apple for a snack. We started saying “Oh man, I need a break! Let’s have family apple time!”)
-Jeff making a batch of sauerkraut. Waiting for it to get ready will make it taste so much better!
-Deciding to put some of our Magical Healing Salve on the scar on my face (from where I had surgery awhile back) and having it work miracles! It’s amazing how much it’s been helping it heal and vanish. I didn’t expect it to fade so much and I’m really grateful.
-Bracken reminding Jeff and I of the importance of breaks throughout the day. To stop amidst the busy-ness and play. It feels so good to let the world go and simply be present with Bracken. He looks at us so often with an ‘invitation-to-play’ in his eyes. Bless him for helping us remember the importance of play time!
-Jeff making the best pork cracklin’s I’ve ever had.
-A reader named Sophie sending a link to this hobbit house and saying “When I saw this, I immediately thought of you and your sweet family. When I read your blog, this is the kind of house I imagine you all living in, with a little matching woodland workshop for making magical buttons and orbs!..
-Starting the day off with a clean kitchen. Awesome!
-Making a bunch of signs for our booth. I dreamed up some ideas, Jeff used his skills on the computer and we came up with some great signs. (Will be sure to share pictures of our booth when we get it all set up next weekend.)
-One night with the most incredible rumbling thunder. I love storms. There is something so exciting and invigorating about them.
-Trying a new variety of winter squash for the first time. I have no idea what it’s called, but it tasted so good.
-Having our truck working again!!
-Lots of progress on knitting during a long car ride.
-Garlic. I could write poetry about garlic.
-Finding a good home for our dog Satcha. We officially have no animals right now. After the giant family of animals we had, it is quite a change, but it is a relief for us to have a little less responsibility and I know in my heart it’s what’s best for us right now.
–My Grandma moving into her new house and hearing how much fun she and my mom were having unpacking boxes and arranging everything, when I talked to my mom on the phone.
-My mom cracking me up (as always.) I love the silly messages she leaves and the funny voices she uses. This week’s highlight: singing “I’m too texty for my phone” to the tune of “I’m too sexy” since becoming adept at text messaging.
-Jeff’s kindness. For compliments that lift me up, for all he does each and every day- in big ways and little ways. (And I love being married to a man who is not embarrassed to hold hands in public!)
What a great list! I would say any list that involves pork cracklins (um, yum!), your mother singing “I’m too texty for my phone”, glorious thrifted sweaters and more is magical!
What a wonderful list!
….and your shop is full of wonderful things.
I just finished reading my current MaryJanes Farm and now inspired to make my own soap! I’m oh so grateful to having my husband home for a whole 9 days straight and realizing how wonderful and important it is to homeschool my children as I was feeling a little discourage during the week over it. Oh….feeling this little one kick and move around so much! Such a wonderful blessing!
Have a wonderful week Taryn! I can’t wait to see all your homemade signs! π
What a wonderful list. As usual! I just love your lists so much!!! They lift me up to read them π
I think it’s so neat you and Jeff share the same dream. F. and I do, too. That’s something that I don’t take for granted!!
You get to see mountain mist rising in the mornings, WOW!!!!! How ethereal and special.
I loved your description of family apple time. That sounds so homey and sweet, it really tickled me to hear about it π π
Pork cracklins… someday I must try some! They sound yuuuummmmy!
I loved that hobbit house, OMG! I bookmarked the page to come back to later! What a place… that would be the perfect house for you guys!!!
New winter squash tastes are so fun! Heehee!
I’m so glad your truck is back in business. Shew!
Glad you found a home for all your animals. It doesn’t feel good to have too much weighing on you like that, so good for you for making adjustments when necessary.
I love your mom’s “too texty for my phone”!!!! I can totally hear it! HAH!!!
I’m so glad you have Jeff, what a wonderful human being!
And so are YOU!!!!
Here’s my list:
So much love to you!!
A wonderful list of gratitudes Taryn.
I am on a friends computer so won’t be posting….I am grateful for a very mild November so far saving us money on heating, lovely sunshine, scrumptious baked potatoes, very kind friends and my lovely husband, the amazing patients I get to look after and getting to read your blog even though I am computerless!
Much love to you lovely Taryn, glad all is well with you.