Well, first you head outside…
and snack on some huckleberries to satisfy your hankering for fresh fruit….
Then you delightfully discover fresh nettles shoots popping up in that nettles patch you planted…
Then you stand in the crisp fall air, warmed slightly by the sunshine, and hold a giggling baby in your arms while your husband carefully harvests the sacred, potent greens.
You gather enough kale and chard for a meal and feel grateful for all that butternut squash you grew, since it’s become an essential part of daily meals. And all those jars in the pantry look better than ever!
There is such joy and fulfillment in harvesting your own food from your own land! Enjoy!
Who needs grocery stores!! Hope your van is fixed soon though.
Have a peaceful weekend beautiful lady.x
Happy Autumn harvesting, you amazing homesteading mama you! Sounds delicious. 🙂