Hi Amanda! Thanks so much for introducing yourself! How wonderful to meet a new friend from Scotland. 🙂 Sounds like we have a lot in common. Thanks for reading!
Hi, just wanted to introduce myself as i have just found your lovely blog. I live near Edinburgh, Scotland with my wonderful husband and son where we try to grow as much of our food as we can whilst taking time to enjoy everything around us. Hugs to you and your family Amanda x
Hi Amanda!
Thanks so much for introducing yourself! How wonderful to meet a new friend from Scotland. 🙂 Sounds like we have a lot in common.
Thanks for reading!
Love to you,
Hi, just wanted to introduce myself as i have just found your lovely blog. I live near Edinburgh, Scotland with my wonderful husband and son where we try to grow as much of our food as we can whilst taking time to enjoy everything around us.
Hugs to you and your family
Amanda x