G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Jeff making a very magical soup that healed a sore throat that was starting to creep in. (the magic of elderberries helped too.)
-Shrinking a mountain of laundry until it became an empty basket. Dare I say caught up? (Is there such thing?)
-Jeff flavoring our homemade pickles with garlic, cayenne and turmeric. Yum! My favorite pickles of all time.
-Sleep. Sleep is a wonderful wonderful thing. (And since Bracken’s birth, I’ve learned to never take it forgranted!)
-For fermented foods with our meals. Since we fell in love with fermented foods, meals don’t seem complete without them.
-The gentle cooing sound that Bracken sometimes makes as he is nursing to sleep. That sound melts my heart. It’s so precious.
-How much cleaning a messy part of the house improves the mood!
-Our friend finding some answers about her illness. I am so very grateful for that. She was in pain and they didn’t know what was going on. Now they can take some action. The strength of her Spirit during challenges has been inspiring.
-Feeling so proud of how productive we were, all the creating we did for market this weekend! We were working till the last minute, putting walnut oil on all the wood and getting the last buttons on cards. Then we stood back and admired our hard work. That felt good.
-My nightly ritual of writing 10 things I’m grateful for from that day. It grounds and centers me.
-Jeff keeping the fire going overnight, for a few nights. It was wonderful to have our home so cozy and to wake up and be greeted by warmth.
-A very powerful dream about taking a leap of faith. It felt like a breakthrough.
-Watching Bracken’s delight over picking his own huckleberries and eating them in the sunshine.
-Moments of letting my entire body relax. Bliss.
-For each and every sale in our market booth and on our Etsy Shop. When people come and say “I love your booth!”, we feel pretty darn happy. We love creating!
-Seeing friends at Holiday Market.
-Finding fresh raspberries at farmer’s market yesterday. The golden ones and the regular ones. What a treat!
-Trading at farmer’s market! I get downright giddy. I’ll admit it.
-A new favorite mushroom: cauliflower. Tried them for the first time and we’re hooked.
-Farmer’s market goodness. Kale, Beets, Carrots, Celery, Salad Greens, Onions, Garlic, Cilantro, Cabbage, Winter Squash, Apples, Asian Pears. Love!
-Seeing all the bounty and colors of the fall farmer’s market. Oh, have I mentioned farmer’s market? 😉
-Ginger Carrot Soup (from The T.R.E.E. booth at market.) So delicious!
-Getting ready to head out the door for another Holiday Market day. Wishing you all a relaxing, fulfilling Sunday!
-Feeling so proud of how productive we were, all the creating we did for market this weekend! We were working till the last minute, putting walnut oil on all the wood and getting the last buttons on cards. Then we stood back and admired our hard work. That felt good.
-My nightly ritual of writing 10 things I’m grateful for from that day. It grounds and centers me.
-Jeff keeping the fire going overnight, for a few nights. It was wonderful to have our home so cozy and to wake up and be greeted by warmth.
-A very powerful dream about taking a leap of faith. It felt like a breakthrough.
-Watching Bracken’s delight over picking his own huckleberries and eating them in the sunshine.
-Moments of letting my entire body relax. Bliss.
-For each and every sale in our market booth and on our Etsy Shop. When people come and say “I love your booth!”, we feel pretty darn happy. We love creating!
-Seeing friends at Holiday Market.
-Finding fresh raspberries at farmer’s market yesterday. The golden ones and the regular ones. What a treat!
-Trading at farmer’s market! I get downright giddy. I’ll admit it.
-A new favorite mushroom: cauliflower. Tried them for the first time and we’re hooked.
-Farmer’s market goodness. Kale, Beets, Carrots, Celery, Salad Greens, Onions, Garlic, Cilantro, Cabbage, Winter Squash, Apples, Asian Pears. Love!
-Seeing all the bounty and colors of the fall farmer’s market. Oh, have I mentioned farmer’s market? 😉
-Ginger Carrot Soup (from The T.R.E.E. booth at market.) So delicious!
-Getting ready to head out the door for another Holiday Market day. Wishing you all a relaxing, fulfilling Sunday!
What has your heart felt grateful for this week?
Taryn Kae Wilson says
Thanks all!
Tabatha- Loved reading what you’re grateful for! 🙂
Lindsey @ The Herbangardener says
What a nice list!
Oh gosh yes, appreciating those basics — like sleep, catching up on laundry, fermented foods, fresh vegetables, a warm fire in the woodstove. Yes!!!
Is that me on your list? Oh goodness. Thank you… you guys are so wonderful.
I’m so glad you healed your sore throat before it developed into something more.
Hope your weekend at market was worth your while!
Here’s my list this week:
So much love, Taryn!!!!!!!!!
Tabatha D says
I’m grateful for having discovered your blog, such a pleasure to read.
My little boy who just turned 5 on Tuesday, he’s my little blessing each and every day!
My wonderful husband who I’m so grateful doesn’t feel housework is just for women. We both work full time jobs so we share the chores around the house. I appreciate that so very much! :o)
The big baskets of pine cones I have setting about my house. Just something about them cheers the winter soul.
Finally getting those personalized stockings I’ve wanted for years.
Trish says
A beautiful list Taryn.xxx
GreenMama says
What a lovely list.
So good that your truck finally makes no problems and that your could sell some of your wonderful things at Holiday Market.
A good week to you and your “boys”!:)