G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-The way the frosted world looks as morning comes and everything sparkles in the sunlight.
-Knitting help from friends. Help remembering how to cast off (was I that rusty with my knitting skills? Yes I was) and the gift of a sock pattern, which inspired me to start a pair of socks! Being surrounded by amazingly talented knitting friends at Holiday Market gives so much inspiration!
-Seeing our friend April‘s beautiful pregnant belly when she visited us at market. I really enjoyed that.
-A love affair with garlic all week long. I was wondering whether Jeff and I were turning into complete garlic maniacs…
-Getting some Holiday cards in the mail that were so fun to receive.
-Baths with epsom salts. Epsom salts are magical.
-A week filled with sunshine. Light pouring through the windows made me feel so grateful.
–Warm fires on cold days.
-Peaceful moments of quietly rubbing walnut oil on our wooden creations, before market. (It makes the wood come to life… the way a dry rock will look dull until you dip it in water and suddenly the colors are amazing.)
-The satisfaction that comes from getting a very messy kitchen clean!
–Our cast iron pan (yep, still lovin’ that thrift store score) becoming more “seasoned” and food sticking to it less. Little things.
–Two movie nights throughout the week. (Technically not “movie” nights since we didn’t watch movies, we watched episodes of ‘The Office.’) We needed those. We laughed and laughed… Laughing is as essential as breathing, don’t you think?
-Doodling. I love doodling. It’s so relaxing. I don’t do it enough.
-Crossing things off the To-Do List. {big, deep, satisfied sigh}
-Crunchy, flavorful, fresh, local apples.
-Finishing a handmade gift!
-Our neighbor delivering a load of firewood. Jeff split it and it smelled so good. Pine. Mmmm.
-Setting up our display for market yesterday with all of our new things and having our booth be so full. That feels good.
-Getting an adorable tree at the farmer’s market. We wanted to put up a tree for the Holidays, but needed something small to put in a spot out-of-reach of little hands. Found the perfect tiny tree (and we can plant it afterwards!)
-Trading at farmer’s market for a big basket of delicious vegetables.
-Golden raspberries from farmer’s market. Yum!
-Only needing to set the alarm clock on market days and usually waking up before it goes off.
-Jeff’s love, support and humor. Especially when I feel “off” (grouchy, tired, stressed, or a little too sensitive for the world.) His constant love fills me up and lifts my heart. I love when he makes me laugh so hard that all the tension magically melts off.
-Getting this posted before leaving for another day at market! (and writing most of it after Bracken fell asleep last night.)
-For you. I’m grateful to each and every one of you who reads this.
-Knitting help from friends. Help remembering how to cast off (was I that rusty with my knitting skills? Yes I was) and the gift of a sock pattern, which inspired me to start a pair of socks! Being surrounded by amazingly talented knitting friends at Holiday Market gives so much inspiration!
-Seeing our friend April‘s beautiful pregnant belly when she visited us at market. I really enjoyed that.
-A love affair with garlic all week long. I was wondering whether Jeff and I were turning into complete garlic maniacs…
-Getting some Holiday cards in the mail that were so fun to receive.
-Baths with epsom salts. Epsom salts are magical.
-A week filled with sunshine. Light pouring through the windows made me feel so grateful.
–Warm fires on cold days.
-Peaceful moments of quietly rubbing walnut oil on our wooden creations, before market. (It makes the wood come to life… the way a dry rock will look dull until you dip it in water and suddenly the colors are amazing.)
-The satisfaction that comes from getting a very messy kitchen clean!
–Our cast iron pan (yep, still lovin’ that thrift store score) becoming more “seasoned” and food sticking to it less. Little things.
–Two movie nights throughout the week. (Technically not “movie” nights since we didn’t watch movies, we watched episodes of ‘The Office.’) We needed those. We laughed and laughed… Laughing is as essential as breathing, don’t you think?
-Doodling. I love doodling. It’s so relaxing. I don’t do it enough.
-Crossing things off the To-Do List. {big, deep, satisfied sigh}
-Crunchy, flavorful, fresh, local apples.
-Finishing a handmade gift!
-Our neighbor delivering a load of firewood. Jeff split it and it smelled so good. Pine. Mmmm.
-Setting up our display for market yesterday with all of our new things and having our booth be so full. That feels good.
-Getting an adorable tree at the farmer’s market. We wanted to put up a tree for the Holidays, but needed something small to put in a spot out-of-reach of little hands. Found the perfect tiny tree (and we can plant it afterwards!)
-Trading at farmer’s market for a big basket of delicious vegetables.
-Golden raspberries from farmer’s market. Yum!
-Only needing to set the alarm clock on market days and usually waking up before it goes off.
-Jeff’s love, support and humor. Especially when I feel “off” (grouchy, tired, stressed, or a little too sensitive for the world.) His constant love fills me up and lifts my heart. I love when he makes me laugh so hard that all the tension magically melts off.
-Getting this posted before leaving for another day at market! (and writing most of it after Bracken fell asleep last night.)
-For you. I’m grateful to each and every one of you who reads this.
What have you felt grateful for this week?
I love how Gratitude Sunday naturally brings out the warmest spirit in those who read it. I got your package today…a tearful thank you to all of you. It was just perfect. I can’t wait to write you back. I think I’ll smile for the rest of the day!!!
So wonderful – I love this list! I too love epsom salt baths, crossing things off my list and the sweet smell of pine. Hope you had a great day at the market! And getting knitting help in person is so essential I’ve realized, even though I have been knitting for awhile, I don’t know what I would do without my knitting fairy (that’s what I call my friend who is all-knowing in the realm of knitting π
Oh Taryn, how pleased I am to read your lovely list before I go to sleep.
Much love.
Aw, I teared up when I saw that you were grateful for seeing my pregnant belly! You are too sweet! I too am grateful I got to see you, your family, and fantastic booth as well. π What a wonderful list of gratitudes!
Love your list!! Sounds like a good week π Glad you got to cross off stuff from your to-do list!!
So glad you have Jeff to make you laugh! I have my hubby, who provides the same comic relief. What a TOTAL GIFT!!!! π
Here’s my list this week:
SO MUCH LOVE, this week and always,