These days are growing colder. Both nights we came home from market this past weekend, the house was quite chilly. The woodstove is roaring to life again and our home is a welcoming, warm place from the cold once more.
Last week the cold was making Jeff think of our blueberry plants in pots out front. (Remember those blueberries still waiting to go in the ground?) We’ve been watching the vibrant colored leaves falling one by one until only a few remained, still clinging on. Jeff wanted to keep those potted blueberries a little warmer during the cold nights.
But we’ve been pushing everything aside lately, until after Holiday Market.
Fruit trees need trimming…. after Holiday Market. More cleaning up in the garden… after Holiday Market. Organizing around the house…. after Holiday Market. A farmer offered a deal on seconds apples and the thought of more applesauce danced in my head, until I snapped out of it and realized…. after Holiday Market. Oh, that gorgeous cabbage at the farmer’s market just begging to be made into more kraut? You guessed it… after Holiday Market.
Basically, Holiday Market is requiring our time and energy right now. Everything else is being put on hold, waiting it’s turn. But with the cold, Jeff didn’t feel those blueberries could wait until after Holiday Market. So he took advantage of some sunshine last week and hauled loads of leaves and woodchips.
He surrounded the pots with those leaves and woodchips, tucking them in for the winter.
We can both sleep easier now, knowing the blueberries are safe and happy out there. Blueberries are quite important around here, even during our busy Holiday Market season.
How cozy they look! Definitely got the royal treatment… I bet they’ll sail beautifully through winter. And yes, I bet you literally WILL sleep better at night knowing they are safe. I know how much those blueberries mean to you guys! If we could grow them here, I’d be doin’ the same thing!!!