G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-The ocean revitalizing our spirits.
-All the enthusiasm and appreciation about our giveaway. I love the excitement!
-Feeling so creatively inspired and happy to be creating art. It satisfies my soul.
-Knitting with some gorgeous handspun wool (by Woolgypsy) and feeling the lanolin all over my hands. And the smell! It comforts me…wool smells like home to me.
-One morning when I woke up a little before Jeff and Bracken. I watched them sleeping peacefully next to me, savored the warmth of our bed, and knitted quietly (thanks to wooden knitting needles) by the dim light just starting to come in our bedroom window.
-Finding Deck Family Farm pasture-raised meats at our local co-op!
-Fun tie-dyes for the whole family, from our friend Kym.
-Fun tie-dyes for the whole family, from our friend Kym.
-My mom and grandma purchasing their plane tickets to visit in February! I am so excited they’re coming.
-The purple cashmere sweater our friend Abby gave me, matching the scarf my sister gave me a few years ago from her time in New Zealand, like they were made for each other. It was amazing how well they went together. (And yes, cashmere is truly as heavenly as you say- Thanks Abby!)
-Wearing different colors than I usually do, which made me feel so dressed up when I went to town. It seems I’m always in earth tones- greens and browns. Wearing purple and blue felt special because it was different.
-Long car rides = good opportunity for knitting.
-Finding $15 in the zipper pouch of the Ergo carrier, right as we were walking into the thrift store! Couldn’t have been better timing. I told Jeff it was a good omen that we were going to find something really good…. and we did!
-A breathtaking view of the sunset over the mountains, as we headed back towards home after a long town day in the valley.
-Smudging the house really well with sage. That felt really good.
-Two sweet dreams. In one a baby deer came over to the three of us as we were sitting on the ground, with Bracken in my lap. It was nuzzling up against us and rubbing it’s nose on Bracken affectionately. Bracken and the little deer absolutely adored each other and Jeff and I just watched in awe and amazement. The other dream the word ‘prana’ was woven into a piece of wool and my heart said it was an important word for me right now.
-Waking up this morning to see our first snow of the year. The world looked so pretty all covered in white.
-Waking up this morning to see our first snow of the year. The world looked so pretty all covered in white.
What have you felt grateful for this week?
Feel like sharing?
Hi Taryn!
So glad you’re able to be creating art and feeling inspired to do so. Doesn’t it feel so good!??
Can’t wait to see what you’re knitting up! Love the early morning moment of quiet wooden-needle knitting (I love wooden needles! They feel so homey.).
I wish I were naturaly more of an early morning person. Being up before the sun rises seems special.
A purple cashmere sweater, how wonderful!
Finding random money, YEAHHHHH!!!
Smudging the house, always good huh. Sage smudge sticks smell a little too much like marijuana to me, hehe, so I use pinon pine incense sticks. I love the ritual of smudging!
Incredible dreams!! Especially the deer one… hmmmm…. 🙂 🙂 🙂
You got snow! I just love the snow.
And I love your list! Always love reading your weekly lists. They are so centering and calming to read.
Here’s mine this week:
MUCH love to you!!!!!!!!
I just want to tell you that I love reading your gratitude list every week.
I am going to start making one of my own!
Thank You.
…grateful to be alive and shining in this world we call home! ~ aqua kisses from the sky! ~ puddle duck season! ~ grateful for the choices i can make everyday!…
…pint-sized gratefulness: ~ happiness! ~ excitement for another day! ~ inspired by the next crafty project! ~ morphing of Zhen juan of turquoise ocean pearls! ~ grateful for the internet highway! ~ and so sO much more! ~ thankyoU for your share of gratefulness! ~ blessed be to yoU! ~ gentle ones!…
Taryn, what a wonderful list of gratitudes…what sweet, wonderful dreams.
I would like to see a little snow here.
Much love