G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Jeff pruning the apple tree out front. It’s much happier now.
-Delicious meals made by a wonderful husband.
-A dream about the most beautiful rose bush I’ve ever seen. It was huge and completely covered with light pink roses, exuding the most incredible fragrance. The next morning I described the dream to Jeff and he told me he put a little rose scent on his mustache before bed because he was curious how it would affect his dreams (plus he just loves the smell.) We laughed, it obviously affected mine!
-Cleaning a bunch of stuff out of our truck. That felt good. (Now all it needs is a good vacuuming!)
-Putting dried nettles in the soups I made, all week long. Such a nourishing addition. My body loves nettles, they are very strengthening for me.
-Bracken being content in the Ergo carrier on my back so I was able to have some really productive mornings getting so much accomplished! Rock on!
-Feeling extra grateful for all Jeff does every day. He had a few days where he wasn’t feeling well this week (pretty sure it was food poisoning from our town day) and doing my morning chores plus his morning chores, taking care of things around here with just one rather than the usual two, made me appreciate everything he does around here even more.
-Discovering how delicious steamed apples are! I asked Jeff what sounded good to him and he wanted steamed apples, I was a little surprised, but took some local jonagolds and put them in the steamer. Yum! I sprinkled some cinnamon on top and now they are a new favorite treat around here.
-Creative time being in the “zone.” I love when I’m so focused on creating, that my mind clears completely and I’m in the present moment. Times like that are so regenerating to my spirit.
-This time of year when we have a break from market for a few months. (It starts again in April.) It’s so nice to have home time, focusing on our online stores, creating a lot, and working on new products!
-Jeff reading ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome’ by Natasha Campbell-McBride. It’s made for a lot of good conversations. I told him so much about it when I read it, but it’s not easy to articulate an entire book.
–Finding Bracken’s little “touches” around the house. (Like the contents of the sock drawer in my backpack basket.) It makes me smile.
-Time in nature and moving my body, making me feel more balanced and more ME.
-A few days with the sun shining!!! The sun felt so warm on our faces and with the birds singing, it really felt like spring!
-Hauling firewood = Great exercise this time of year
-The joy I find in preparing nourishing food for our family.
-Jeff making a new banner on his blog. He’s been wanting to do that for a long time and was so happy he did.
-A delightful dream showing me a pair of shoes I’m meant to make.
-A delightful dream showing me a pair of shoes I’m meant to make.
-Seeing this post by MamaForestdweller, being so excited about her gift she won on our giveaway.
-Spending time with my dad yesterday.
-Ginger tea.
-Ginger tea.
What has your heart felt grateful for this week?
Love your comments!
And read all your lists- loved them! Thanks for leaving the links.
Love to you all,
Such a lovely post, and such wonderful things to be grateful for.
I may have to join you next week.
Steamed apples! Good thinkin Jeff! I’m gonna try.
Its so fun when the babies start doing things of their own accord! getting to work around the house. gotta put this over there…
oh and how I miss hauling, chopping, splitting, and burning firewood… someday soon we’ll have a stove again!
Its been a while, but here’s mine!
I feel so much better now.
Thanks Taryn!
Awwww! π
I always love these posts so much – thanks, Taryn!
The rose dream story makes me smile – that’s so sweet π
I’m smiling about Bracken moving the socks, too – our little guy does that kind of thing a lot these days. He really likes to put things in our boots. If anything’s missing, we always look in the boots first π
What a nice list; sounds like a lovely week! π
I’m sorry to hear Jeff was ill, yuck, food poisoning? π Hope he’s feeling better.
I love rose scent too! Now I really want to treat myself to a bottle of that! I’m putting it on my list π
I love hearing that you were able to accomplish so much with Bracken on your back! Doesn’t that feel GREAT!!!! Rock on! I hear ya. π
Steamed apples are one of my favorites! Chopped into small pieces, with the skin left on, with cinnamon. Yesss! So good. Sometimes I mash them up with a fork, and that’s my “applesauce.” I really like the texture with the skin left on (plus the nutrients).
Glad you’re getting a break from market.
I love how you describe Bracken’s “touches” — that is adorable!
Time in nature, moving your body… that is so right. I need to do that more.
I find so much joy in preparing nourishing food too. And your family is getting even more nourishment out of that food because of the love and care and sweet joyful energy you weave into all of it.
Shoes! I’d love to see them when you make them.
Glad you got time with your dad, how sweet.
Thinking about you & wishing you a most wonderful week ahead Taryn!!! SO MUCH LOVE TO YOU, FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!
I miss you π
Here’s my list this week:
I love your dream about the rose bush! I have been having very scattered and disturbing dreams lately, I should try adding a calming, beautiful scent to my pillow. I am also going to try the steamed apples as a dessert this week, they sound delightful!
My list is over here:
Beautiful gratitudes from a beautiful lady.
When my Izzy was little she used to empty drawers and fill a little bag of hers with everything and anything, we could never find a thing! I didn’t mind…I thought it was sweet.
I love ginger tea too!
Make those shoes…I’d love to see them.
Much love