G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
If you would like to join us, share your gratitudes by leaving your link (or simply sharing your list, whether one or many) in the comments below for all of us to enjoy. Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Finding a forgotten stash of brand-new pens when my pens were all running out of ink and I was really needing some.
-Jeff tinkering around on my computer and making some changes that not only made it faster, but run so much better.
-Working on a very inspired needle felting project. And enjoying creating it while Bracken and Jeff napped next to me. Whenever I work with wool, it feels like an active meditation for me.
-The word: empowered and the positive impact it has when I use it regularly.
–My loves.
–Kind comments on here, from you, dear readers.
-Having such a productive week and crossing lots of things off the to-do list.
-Every time Bracken fell asleep for his nap easily. (That wasn’t the case much of the week, but I’ve realized it’s time for a later nap schedule, so we’ve been getting into a new groove.)
-Dropping our old oven off at the dump. Some goodbyes are not sad at all. (Smiley face here.)
-Incredibly delicious and nourishing chicken soup with chicken stock, chicken, collards, carrots and celery. It was so good! (And so were the crispy chicken skins that we fried for a treat before the soup was ready.)
-The very first food made in our new oven- some pumpkin seed cookies that Jeff created. (I had to put them out of sight so I could refrain from eating them all at once!)
-Realizing as we left the grocery store, that we hardly had any plastic (only one item that came packaged in it.) That felt really good.
-Seeing the first hummingbird amidst a snowy background, that came to the window for a brief moment. It buzzed in front of the window and we looked at each other, then it flew away. I exclaimed to Jeff “the first hummingbird!!”
-Watching birds with Bracken out the window and smiling with mama-love at his pointing and excitement.
-The way simply the sight of a vase of flowers can bring so much joy to the heart. The first bouquet (which is always something to celebrate) in the kitchen window made the entire house feel cheery. And I had no idea daffodils were so fragrant.
-Knowing that there is a greater reason to it all- even the disappointments- and that lessons become more clear with time. This week has been filled with a lot of lessons and I’ve been letting them sink in, knowing they’ll make even more sense to me soon.
-Having the courage to make changes my heart urged me to do.
-Time outside with our family in the glorious, warm sunshine and the fresh air!
-The opportunity to apologize to someone from my past that I’ve been wanting to apologize to for a long time.
-The opportunity to apologize to someone from my past that I’ve been wanting to apologize to for a long time.
-How good my body feels after a day of hard work outside.
-Having the determination to tackle a very big project and making lots of progress. We were truly “kicking-butt” around here! Yes! (Pictures to be shared when it’s finished.)
-That mama Lindsay got the goddess necklace she ordered (that she wanted to wear while giving birth) before the baby arrived.
-Having the determination to tackle a very big project and making lots of progress. We were truly “kicking-butt” around here! Yes! (Pictures to be shared when it’s finished.)
-That mama Lindsay got the goddess necklace she ordered (that she wanted to wear while giving birth) before the baby arrived.
-The medicine of laughter.
-Being reminded of the one thing, deep down, that we all have in common: We all want to be loved.
What have you felt grateful for throughout your week, friends?
Would love to hear!
Such pretty photos!
I love your productive week! Yesss! How good that must feel.
And the happy goodbye of dumping off your old stove! Yay, get that “broken” energy outta the house!
Oh my gosh, that chicken soup sounds SO GOOD! I could eat a pot-full right now!
Pumpkin seed cookies, YUM!!!!!! I love pumpkin seeds. I love cookies.
And how you had almost zero plastic as you left the store! What a great feeling!
Watching Bracken discover the world must be so heartwarming as a mother 🙂 Awwww!
Good for you for having the courage to make changes! I love hearing that.
The medicine of laughter — YES!
I love the last one, how we all just want to be loved. That is so true. It’s the root of everything, huh.
Sending so much LOVE to you!!!
Here’s my list this week:
loved reading this today [& in a sense, needed to]…& there is so much on your list! makes me think about my list too… a lengthy list indeed. have a wonderful week ahead 😉
Dear lovely Taryn, how grateful I am that I found you here and that I (and others) get to read about your wonderful life, in particular your gratitude Sunday…which always makes me glad.
Much love to you and your loves