Spring Bouquet: rescued by Jeff from heavy snow
Snowy Explorations: followed by many footprints
Covered Blueberries: not seeming to mind the cold
Curious Boy: not seeming to mind it either
Wooly Boots: happily worn by the proud creator
Inspiring Interview: you can read here
Fresh Banner: a new look in our shop
What things have you been experiencing today friends?
Those boots Jeff made are amazing. Amazing! Love all these photos and the little story behind them. Your new banner looks great and Bracken is growing so much. I am looking forward to reading the interview. I can’t believe you had this much snow still, just yesterday. Are you guys still covered in snow? Felt like spring over here again today. It is hard to know what to expect from day to day, isn’t it?
wonderful…I love all these things, especially sweet Bracken exploring and your beautiful boots. Amazing!
Such a cute picture of your baby. He’s looking so much like a little boy here.
Oh, SNOW! We’ve been having such lovely summer-like weather here, I keep forgetting that we’re usually still buried under the white stuff at this time of year!
The Goddess pendant I purchased from you lovely people arrived in my mailbox yesterday, and I totally love it – THANK YOU!!! Thank you also for the little gift of healing salve, which will come in very handy for a mama who has just given birth and a new little babe. I wrote a blog post about my necklace here – http://trinityacres.wordpress.com/2012/03/23/a-necklace-to-birth-with/ and soon will post some photos.
Take care and Peace!