Today I’m joining Ginny for her Wednesday Yarn Along, sharing what I am reading and knitting.
I’m still knitting the elf hat I mentioned in my last Yarn Along post. I made some progress on it during our unplugged time last week. This hat is not for Bracken this time because he still has one that fits. This one I’ve been making with Saturday Market in mind, which starts the first Saturday in April. I’m envisioning our booth filled with lots of wooly creations and I’m bringing that vision to life one stitch at a time (or felting project at a time.)
I was in the mood for a soul-warming read and finally finished ‘The Power of Your Spirit’ by Sonia Choquette, which had been next to my bed for awhile. Normally I read Sonia’s books as fast as I can get them, I love them so much, but I had the intention of journaling along with this book as I read it to answer the questions at the end of each chapter. Well, by the end of the day, when I got the opportunity to read, I was just too tired to do much journaling besides my usual gratitude list. So I kept holding off on reading it. I’m glad I finally decided to just read it, I enjoyed it immensely. (I can always read it again and journal along with it then.) What she wrote about the stages of spiritual awakening really rang true to me and of course I always love the stories she includes, giving a soulful perspective of people’s lives. It’s the kind of book that I completely filled with bookmarks because there were so many quotes I wanted to write down.
After finishing ‘The Power of Your Spirit’, I started reading ‘The Grapes of Wrath’ by John Steinbeck, that I got from the library. It’s definitely not a lighthearted read, but I’ve been enjoying it so far, I’m still in the beginning. It’s so different than anything I’ve ever read before and reading about difficult things people go through deepens my gratitude for the important things in life.
And yes, that’s snow in the background! (I marveled at how the blue alpaca yarn and the blues in the book covers blended so beautifully with the snowy background.) We woke up to snow and it’s been snowing all morning. We’ve already had the electricity go out several times and were delightfully surprised when it came back on. We appreciated some unplugged time last week, though it put us quite behind in our work and we’d like the electricity to stay on so we can keep at it.
What have you been knitting and reading?
Snow? Isn’t that a bit extreme? We have been blessed with a mild winter this year and spring in Norway has come early. Today I even posted a video my husband shot at the beach this morning. Come to take a look, you will get warm 🙂
Thank you all.
@Tonya- I’ll let you know what I think of Grapes of Wrath.
@April- I’m so grateful that you are all okay! I bet you were so anxious, I’m glad you guys are staying with a friend!
@Mandi- I loved the book the artist’s way! Such a good read. It had a powerful effect on un-blocking me in a lot of ways.
I read the twilight series too and it was so addicting. I couldn’t stop until I had read it all. And I was embarrassed to tell anyone I read it- haha!~
What lovely yarn. My neck of the woods, it’s so darn warm, you’d think it was May! As such, I’m knitting with cotton yarn, just a dishcloth, because I love them! I’m reading two books: The Artist’s Way, which is helping me recover my blocked artist. and…hangs head in shame…. Eclipse. I teach high school and I made the mistake in trying to figure out what the hub bub was about. Somehow, I ended up addicted to the series, though the sheen is starting to wear thin. Idiot girl…
Glad you are plugged in! We are without power and a tree fell on the garage today. 🙁 but we are safe and decided to stay with a friend tonight since the forecast isn’t any better (listening to branches and trees fall again all night with a newborn baby = anxious momna!).
Such beautiful yarn you are knitting with. I love power outages, makes for lots of fun and time to do the things we love.
I love your knitting project and I love the wintry background in the photo 🙂
I love your intention of seeing woolly goodness in your market booth as I am trying to imagine the same in ours:
Looking forward to more thoughts on Grapes of Wrath as that has been on my “possible” to-read list.
Thinking of you.
Warm wishes,
I love the yarn color. Gorgeous! I can’t believe the snow! Right now we are in shorts and t-shirts because it is so warm! It feels more like late May rather then mid March!