Today I’m joining in Ginny’s Yarn Along, sharing what I’m knitting and reading.
I did end up putting yew wood buttons on the blue cowl from last week.
I was happy with how they went together.
Now I’m knitting a hat in some beautiful, chunky, earthy-brown wool. I’m planning on felting it when I’ve finished knitting. The anticipation of felting always excites me.
As for reading, I finished the ‘Grapes of Wrath’ and started ‘GAPS Guide‘ by Baden Lashkov. As many of you know, I’m passionate about the GAPS diet because of the incredible healing that it has been bringing to my family. I just started reading ‘GAPS Guide‘ and what I like so far is the author’s open sharing about their healing journey- being labeled with a wide range of mental illnesses, struggling with severe depression and suicidal tendencies. There was a time in my life that I refer to as my “dark night of the soul” where I was at rock bottom and I can relate to her story. In the preface she says:
“Recently, I was lobbying to a committee for new options for marginalized people. Specifically, I was pitching that the group focus its efforts on increasing marginilized people’s access to housing and disability cheques, so that they could finally rest and also feed themselves the food that was healthy for their bodies, rather than the donuts and coffee commonly served at daytime shelters.
When I explained that these were the social supports that helped me, one member looked at me and said, “But you’re different. You’re smart, clear, and articulate. That wouldn’t work for them.” I replied, “No, I’m not different– that’s my point. If you’d seen me years ago, you would have seen one more ‘them’. The only difference is that I’ve had eight years of safe, quiet housing and real food. Give any person on the street the same things, and in a few years you’ll see another happy, articulate person in our circle.”
This book is the true story of recovery from “mental” illness. While every attempt has been made to be as accurate as possible, this record is not complete to the detail. In the interest of getting to the “how’ of recovery, the story of our respective beginnings are very sparsely told.”
I love hearing stories of recovery and healing. I find them so inspiring and I’ve been experiencing the same thing- thus my passion for the GAPS diet. It’s a short read, which will be nice after the thick book I just finished.
Any good reads or fun knitting projects lately?
The quote from that book is amazing! I am thankful for the people like you and the author, who are sharing their healing experiences and encouraging others to listen to their bodies and meet their bodies’ true needs. It is AMAZING what happens when we step away from what is hurting us and truly nourish ourselves.
I know that someday I need to write about my wn healing experience – I’m not sure what’s taken me so long…if I’m just not ready yet, or if I need the time to get a better perspective on it…it’s hard to admit sometimes where you’ve been, and I have certainly seen the other side of health. I am SO thankful to be where I am now, to have such a full and happy life, and I hope someday that I can help others.
Lots of love to you!
If you are interested in the GAPS diet, reading the book ‘Gut and Psychology Syndrome’ by Natasha Campbell-McBride is the best source of information.
I left a comment for you over on your blog. 🙂
Thank you so much. I truly appreciate your warm words today.
Whenever I read your blog I am left with such a “warm fuzzy” feeling… I am inspired by your simple wholesome life, it has reminded me of the path I started out on, one which I am missing so much and need to return to.
Thank you for sharing a little of your world, it is beautiful: )
Lovely color cowl! You are getting me very interested in the GAPs diet – I must do some research. I am happily knitting on my Levenwick sweater – I made good progress last night. I keep worrying its too big, but I am fretting for no reason I think. And truth be told, I am usually reading some sort of geeky high fantasy – which is currently the Game of Thrones series….and I am loving it.