G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
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If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Jeff making delicious batches of Sun Tea with garden herbs. We enjoyed drinking them, cold from the fridge, all week long. So thirst-quenching.
-Feeling a new energy on this land- open and expansive. After having some trees cleared, our friends from Mt. Shasta described the feeling well: spiritually uplifting.
-Enjoying the last jar of our homemade applesauce with blueberries. At the time, Jeff just felt like throwing some in and I was a little skeptical about having anything in our applesauce other than apples. After trying it, I searched through all the jars of applesauce to find the ones with blueberries in them! (Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been delightfully surprised by Jeff’s creativity. Need to can more of that this year.)
-Connections online. So much of my life I felt like I just didn’t fit in. I love the kindred spirits I’ve found here.
-A morning where Bracken woke up in the best of moods and woke up dada and mama with kisses and hugs, so we’d get going a little faster. (Then handing me his shoes and my shoes when we got downstairs, so we’d get going outside a little faster too.)
-Hearing the birds singing while I hung laundry on the line.
-How wonderful it feels to be outside and all of us getting some sun on our faces.
-A vase of fragrant lilacs in the kitchen window. Thank you Jeff.
–Watching Bracken’s joy of discovery outside. More room to roam and explore. A pool to splash in. Birds to point at. Lilacs to smell. Lemonbalm to eat. Windchimes to ring.
To me, being outside is the best place to learn about the world.
-Food and nourishment from our own garden.
-Applesauce and laughter for desert.
-Blue skies and fluffy white clouds. (And having a more expansive view of the sky!)
-Jeff making the most delicious chicken broth with garden herbs. We sipped it, savoring.
-Finding Bracken’s missing shoe in the yard! It was a special pair, handmade by a friend and after searching everywhere, we were so happy to spot it!
-Eating lunch outside. Love meals outside.
-Deeper relaxation slowly starting to sink in, here and there. I’ve been realizing how vital it is to my Spirit, to breathe deeply and embrace moments to relax. Our life is so busy, always, but relaxation needs to be a priority for my well-being. I’m learning.
-Nourishing people I adore with a lovingly made meal.
-The good medicine of laughter.
-Strawberries from farmer’s market! We were so excited to have fresh, local fruit for the first time this year, we devoured them! (Last weekend they had some strawberries that sold out in the morning before we got any, so this weekend we were prepared and went extra early. We got some before they sold out, yay!)
-The magical marimba music of Kudana playing on the market stage yesterday. I could listen to that music all day long! With the beautiful weather and the sound of the marimbas, I almost felt I was at the beach on a tropical island for a few moments there. Something about marimbas invokes a feeling of being carefree.
-Finding cabbage at the farmer’s market (thanks be once again to greenhouses.) We’ve been out of our beloved sauerkraut for awhile and I’m so happy we can make some more now.
-“Washing the day off” with a bath. (Something Jeff told me about and it really does work wonders.)
-Writing my gratitudes at the end of the day, while glancing over at my boy’s sleeping next to me- who are always on my list each and every day.
-Enjoying the last jar of our homemade applesauce with blueberries. At the time, Jeff just felt like throwing some in and I was a little skeptical about having anything in our applesauce other than apples. After trying it, I searched through all the jars of applesauce to find the ones with blueberries in them! (Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been delightfully surprised by Jeff’s creativity. Need to can more of that this year.)
-Connections online. So much of my life I felt like I just didn’t fit in. I love the kindred spirits I’ve found here.
-A morning where Bracken woke up in the best of moods and woke up dada and mama with kisses and hugs, so we’d get going a little faster. (Then handing me his shoes and my shoes when we got downstairs, so we’d get going outside a little faster too.)
-Hearing the birds singing while I hung laundry on the line.
-How wonderful it feels to be outside and all of us getting some sun on our faces.
-A vase of fragrant lilacs in the kitchen window. Thank you Jeff.
–Watching Bracken’s joy of discovery outside. More room to roam and explore. A pool to splash in. Birds to point at. Lilacs to smell. Lemonbalm to eat. Windchimes to ring.
To me, being outside is the best place to learn about the world.
-Food and nourishment from our own garden.
-Applesauce and laughter for desert.
-Blue skies and fluffy white clouds. (And having a more expansive view of the sky!)
-Jeff making the most delicious chicken broth with garden herbs. We sipped it, savoring.
-Finding Bracken’s missing shoe in the yard! It was a special pair, handmade by a friend and after searching everywhere, we were so happy to spot it!
-Eating lunch outside. Love meals outside.
-Deeper relaxation slowly starting to sink in, here and there. I’ve been realizing how vital it is to my Spirit, to breathe deeply and embrace moments to relax. Our life is so busy, always, but relaxation needs to be a priority for my well-being. I’m learning.
-Nourishing people I adore with a lovingly made meal.
-The good medicine of laughter.
-Strawberries from farmer’s market! We were so excited to have fresh, local fruit for the first time this year, we devoured them! (Last weekend they had some strawberries that sold out in the morning before we got any, so this weekend we were prepared and went extra early. We got some before they sold out, yay!)
-The magical marimba music of Kudana playing on the market stage yesterday. I could listen to that music all day long! With the beautiful weather and the sound of the marimbas, I almost felt I was at the beach on a tropical island for a few moments there. Something about marimbas invokes a feeling of being carefree.
-Finding cabbage at the farmer’s market (thanks be once again to greenhouses.) We’ve been out of our beloved sauerkraut for awhile and I’m so happy we can make some more now.
-“Washing the day off” with a bath. (Something Jeff told me about and it really does work wonders.)
-Writing my gratitudes at the end of the day, while glancing over at my boy’s sleeping next to me- who are always on my list each and every day.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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