G r a t i t u d e * S u n d a y
{Sunday’s heartfelt tradition. A time to slow down, to reflect, to be grateful. A list of gratitudes.}
If you would like to join us, see below.
If you would like to join us, see below.
Our gratefulness feeds one another.
Throughout the week I’ve felt grateful for:
-Jeff finding edible mushrooms around our yard and preparing them in our meals so deliciously.
-The incredible enjoyment Bracken gets from two simple things in the garden to play with: water and dirt.
-Windows open throughout the house.
-Learning my way around Ravelry a little more and being so inspired for projects to make. What a cool place. (Thanks all of you who added me as a friend and said hello on there!)
-Getting the asparagus bed weeded. Well, it’s a start.
-Making fermented beet kvass. The last time I made some was when I was pregnant with Bracken. (Made it a new way this time, hoping it will turn out.)
-Writing my to-do list down to give my brain a break from keeping track of the mental to-do list. It was a relief to not be trying to remember everything. Little things, right?
-The news that my mom is coming to visit us next weekend!!
-Taking new pictures of our lip balms with calendula and peppermint from the garden. Much better.
-Kindness from strangers.
-The boost and uplift that a few warm words can bring to the day.
-Watering the garden with a little helper by my side. (A very cute one I might add.)
-Planting two trays of calendula when I realized that we needed much much more in the garden this year.
-The feeling of invigorated feet after being barefoot around the garden.
-Deciding to be braver and “go for it” in some new ways. I don’t want to sit on the sidelines of life, wishing, and wondering ‘what if?’ Time to do something different if I want different results, right?
-Being excited about a wonderful new sponsor for next month.
-Loving our garden.
-Jeff reading my horoscope out of the paper: me laughing out loud because it was exactly what I had just been saying to him. Love life’s affirmations.
-Extra snuggles with Bracken when he was feeling a little off one day.
-How clean my teeth felt after brushing with our tooth powder. It works so well. My goodness, I love that stuff!
-Having someone contact me, asking if I’d like to trade for some handspun wool, right after telling Jeff that I was running out of wool yarn, didn’t have the money to buy any more, and wishing someone would want to trade for some. (And handspun is my very favorite!)
-Getting a mountain of laundry put away (and how fast out clothes dry hanging out on the line in that warm sun.)
-Some trades at farmer’s market. Immense gratitude for that!
-Bracken being pretty happy on the drive home from market yesterday. (After long days, he doesn’t always enjoy a long car ride, so we really appreciated that.)
-Windows open throughout the house.
-Learning my way around Ravelry a little more and being so inspired for projects to make. What a cool place. (Thanks all of you who added me as a friend and said hello on there!)
-Getting the asparagus bed weeded. Well, it’s a start.
-Making fermented beet kvass. The last time I made some was when I was pregnant with Bracken. (Made it a new way this time, hoping it will turn out.)
-Writing my to-do list down to give my brain a break from keeping track of the mental to-do list. It was a relief to not be trying to remember everything. Little things, right?
-The news that my mom is coming to visit us next weekend!!
-Taking new pictures of our lip balms with calendula and peppermint from the garden. Much better.
-Kindness from strangers.
-The boost and uplift that a few warm words can bring to the day.
-Watering the garden with a little helper by my side. (A very cute one I might add.)
-Planting two trays of calendula when I realized that we needed much much more in the garden this year.
-The feeling of invigorated feet after being barefoot around the garden.
-Deciding to be braver and “go for it” in some new ways. I don’t want to sit on the sidelines of life, wishing, and wondering ‘what if?’ Time to do something different if I want different results, right?
-Being excited about a wonderful new sponsor for next month.
-Loving our garden.
-Jeff reading my horoscope out of the paper: me laughing out loud because it was exactly what I had just been saying to him. Love life’s affirmations.
-Extra snuggles with Bracken when he was feeling a little off one day.
-How clean my teeth felt after brushing with our tooth powder. It works so well. My goodness, I love that stuff!
-Having someone contact me, asking if I’d like to trade for some handspun wool, right after telling Jeff that I was running out of wool yarn, didn’t have the money to buy any more, and wishing someone would want to trade for some. (And handspun is my very favorite!)
-Getting a mountain of laundry put away (and how fast out clothes dry hanging out on the line in that warm sun.)
-Some trades at farmer’s market. Immense gratitude for that!
-Bracken being pretty happy on the drive home from market yesterday. (After long days, he doesn’t always enjoy a long car ride, so we really appreciated that.)
Like to Join Us in Gratitude Sunday?
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In your blog post, include a link back here, to this current post, so others who would like to join can find us.
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What have you felt grateful for throughout your week?
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